Whats New
French translation of resource files by Thomas Nicolaïdès and Bernard Cortesi. This brings us up to 17 languages that mojoPortal has been translated into!
Updated Danish Translation by Kurt Greve
Upgraded FCKeditor from 2.6.4 beta to 2.6.4 final release.
Upgraded NeatUpload to version 1.3.8
Upgraded to the newest version of NeatHtml, NeatHtml is a tool for protecting against cross site scripting. This release fixed a bug where sometime un-trusted content would be visually clipped in WebKit based browsers like Chrome and Safari. We use it in the forums and in the blog comments.
Moved commerce reporting out of WebStore and into the core. This is a preliminary step so that we can aggregate commerce reporting across features at the site level. This will also eliminate the need for a lot of duplication of effort that would occur if we implemented reports in each commerce enabled feature. My next 2 add on products will be e-commerce features, Fund Raiser Pro and Web Invoice Pro, so I'm thinking ahead and implementing commerce reporting as a core feature so I only need to implement reporting in one place and each feature will push its own data into the common reporting system. Event Calendar Pro for example is already a commerce enabled feature since it can sell tickets and soon it will have the ability to push its data into the reporting system. I still have a lot more reports to develop, but the point is I only want to develop one set of them.
Implemented a separate skin setting for MyPage. This was requested recently in the forums and it was a good idea since the layout needs of MyPage are not the same as for the main content system.
Implemented a Web.config setting to disable the search index. While mojoPortal works well in Medium Trust, there can be some problems with the search index if you host multiple sites on a single installation under Medium Trust so this provides an option if you can't get it working correctly you can disable it.
Added an anchor to the ModuleTitle control so that if you have a bunch of modules on a page you can easily create links that jump right to a module with #Modulex, where x is the module id. This was also a recent community request.
Fixed a recently introduced bug in the Shared Files module where the upload controls were displayed to users who did not have upload permission.
Added better error handling to the SiteMap to prevent errors if invalid urls are entered manually. Urls are generally auto-suggested but users can override the suggestion and put in something invalid. With great power comes great responsibility, but at least with the better error handling we can keep it from causing major problems with the menu when a user puts in something invalid. We also added a regular expression validator that checks for common mistakes and typos but it doesn't prevent all possible bad urls.
Fixed a bug in the url re-writer that caused a problem in folder based sub sites. In folder based sub sites, you can have an extensionless root url like /folder1/ if you actually create a folder named folder1 and put an empty text file there named Default.aspx, but there was a bug in the url re-writer that prevented this from working. There are components available for IIS to enable extensionless urls but this approach works without any IIS add ons.
A Shout Out To Our Consulting Partners
My own small company Source Tree Solutions, LLC has only limited availability for consulting engagements. I am trying to shift my business to product sales of add on features for mojoPortal so that I can have more freedom to work on the things I think will best advance the project. Consulting will always be a part of my business but I am very selective about projects I will take on myself and prefer to be a consultant to the consultants, so I am fostering a Consulting Partners Program to build a network of reliable consultants I can refer customers to and so that there are other qualified developers I have a relationship with and could pull in as additional resources to meet tight deadlines on larger projects. So far we have 5 companies in the program.

Summit IT Solutions uses mojoPortal extensively in their work, providing custom feature development, skinning and hosting.

Abertech provides custom solutions and feature development based on mojoPortal and also helps maintain the Italian translation files.

Turbo Front Office is a Dutch company that can handle all technical aspects of your mojoPortal site you can focus on the content. They also manage the mojoPortal Dutch Community site.
Samar Software provides services for mojoPortal and also maintains the Persian translation files and manages the mojoPortal Persian Language Community Site.

TALESIS is our newest partner in Paris France, and helps maintain the French translation files for mojoPortal.