Happy New Year and a New Video Tutorial

Happy New Year mojoPortal Community!

To celebrate (boy I really know how to party!), I finally got around to making a video tutorial covering the basics of using mojoPortal.

mojoPortal User Guide Volume 1

One of my resolutions for the new year is to do more video tutorials.
Another is to make another batch of good looking skins. Using free designs I made 10 skins in 10 days several months ago. I still have a bunch of designs I dowloaded before that I didn't get to, I just need to find another week or 10 days to throw at them.

I'm also getting very close to making a release, I know I've been saying that for weeks but some things have gone slower than anticipated. Newsletter is a complex feature. If I don't finish it soon I'll just go ahead and make a release without it as there is lots of other good stuff available now in svn that needs to be set free. Of course anyone working with the source code is smart to be getting the code from svn trunk and not waiting for me to get around to making releases.

If there are particular topics you would like to see tutorials about please let me know. Also any feedback about this one is appreciated. It was just a quick improvised one. I actually did a better longer one first only to realize at the end it wasn't capturing audio. So when I did it again I kept it a little brief.


Brian Rogers

re: Happy New Year and a New Video Tutorial

Monday, December 31, 2007 8:26:16 PM

Happy New Year Joe... hope all is still going great for you there... miss you here...




re: Happy New Year and a New Video Tutorial

Wednesday, January 2, 2008 12:45:08 AM

Nice start Joe, keep it up. Looking forward to the Admin tutorials..Have a great new year!


re: Happy New Year and a New Video Tutorial

Monday, January 7, 2008 8:14:24 AM

Hi Joe !!!

Happy New Year too !!!!. Thanks for your work last year and all the best for the starting year for you.

"If there are particular topics you would like to see tutorials about please let me know." :

I think about that you can to show how to build a short page (a few text box, combo box, list box), but using all look and face of the mojoportal site.

Have a nice day!


re: Happy New Year and a New Video Tutorial

Monday, January 7, 2008 11:41:53 AM

Hi, Joe.

I guess, it could be more wise to make a series of very short  HOW-TOs, like this -

HOW-TO:Installation Guide, HOW-TO: Create/delete a Page HOW-TO:Add a mojoPortal standart module to a page.... It 'll be easy to bundle it together aftewards.

And to add a rather large intro to show off all the cool possibilities with the most feisty skins. To create a tutorial of quality will be a too complex task and you are in risk to be swamped in the work for a long time. On the other hand if it is divided in the  similar way  some more people [theoretically] can help with the work.



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