I made the switch tonight to FCKeditor becuase it seems plenty good to me and its totally open source unlike FreeTextBox. Besides I've been having errors on monoForge with the FreeTextBox as of mono 1.1.3 but it could be a configuration issue I suppose since the mono guys say it works for them. Weird thing is the same code has been running fine for a long time on previous versions of mono. Anyway this is my first post with the new editor. FCKeditor is mostly javascript with a very small .NET wrapper whereas the FreeTextBox dll is 136kb which is almost as big as the mojoPortal.Web.dll for my whole site which is at 200kb currently. Not that size matters that much but interesting differences.
Next up on the development front is a Contact Form module so people can send me e-mail without knowing my address. Thats the last piece I need before I can migrate my JoeAudette.com site to mojoPortal from Rainbow.
After that I've got an idea for a more safe version of the File Manager. I'm not getting rid of the current one by any means but its a true file manager and it is very risky to expose the file system so directly, it should only be available to server administrators and developers. The one I'm developing for normal users will provide a very similar user experience but the folders and file names will be database driven and the actual files will be managed on disk by the system in a safe way with the ability to prevent un-authorised download of files posted by users. I will store all the files on disk in one folder, but the files will not be stored with their original names. They will be named Guid.ToString() + ".config" and the file name will be stored in the db along with the original file name which will be displayed to the user. This will prevent the files from being downloaded directly via http requests without any special server configuration because the server is already configured not to serve .config files. There will be virtual folders with a FolderID, ParentID, Name structure and the files can be assigned a FolderID. This should be enough to present the user with a normal file system like experiance. This will be a replacement for the Documents module.
I'm shooting for another release this sunday evening with the contact form and new editor.