I just implemented a new skin today using this design, you can see it now on the demo site. It only took me about 3 and a half hours to implement it. It is in my svn sandbox now and will be in trunk later tonight.
I also got started on another skin using this design, but its not finished yet. Since there are so many good free designs on sites like OpenDesigns.org, OpenWebDesign.org, and OpenSourceTemplates.org, I plan to spend the next week implementing new skins to include in mojoPortal. I'm not a good designer myself but I do have a good understanding of CSS and can usually implement a skin using someone else's design. I've downloaded quite a few designs and am picking ones that I think will show a lot of variety. If anyone wants to suggest designs from one of these sites that they would like to see implented as a mojoPortal skin I'm open to suggestions.
Let me know what you think of the new skin on the demo site, do you like it? Do you think its better looking than the other mojoPortal skins. I do ;-)
A lot of people like tab style menus and they do look nice though you are limited to how many items you can have in a horizontal menu. I implemented this skin so that only top level pages are in the top horizontal tab menu and cild pages beneath those are in a vertical tree menu.