Hi Chris,
This is apparently more of the same bug which must be in Mono.Data.Sqlite or insqlite itself.
Apparently when using a select statement like:
SELECT bc.Category, ...more fields.
It sees the column name as bc.Category instead of just Category as it should so it gives a column not found error during data binding because it can't find the Category column.
The workaround solution is to alias the column to its correct name like:
SELECT bc.Category As Category,...more fields
The problem is I'm pretty sure there are a lot of places in the code where table prefixes are used so a lot of places where this bug could pop up. Strange that its happening only in the blog. Best I can do is set aside some time to try and review as much of the code as possible looking for these issues and putting the workaround in place. Or try to figure out where the actual bug is further down the stack.