This is the place to report bugs and get support. When posting in this forum, please always provide as much detail as possible.
Please do not report problems with a custom build or custom code in this forum. If you are producing your own build from the source code and have problems or questions, ask in the developer forum, do not report it as a bug.
When posting in this forum, please try to provide as many relevant details as possible. Particularly the following:
When using the Form module (ForumPostEdit, ForumThreadView, etc):
When you post a reply, the forum:
A) Routes you to the page you were just on, rather than the last page (where your post shows up)
B) uses a # link in the URL. This scrolls the thread pane/div to your post, rather than scrolling the whole page. The result is that only the new post is visible, with the rest hidden and no way to scroll up (the div does not have scroll bars).
Please provide more info.
What version of mojoPortal?
What data layer?
What web browser?
Are you using a custom skin? If so can you produce the same problem using an included skin?
I apologize for reporting this as a bug. The issue is in the CSS for the skin I am using, not in mojo itself.
As a note, if the main content area has the CSS style
the issue arises.
No worries. I had a feeling this was a CSS issue.