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I did a solution build and the following issues came up..Not to sure what to do..pls. advise...cheers
C:\inetpub\xxxxxxxxx\Secure\ChangePassword.aspx(22,13): warning CS0618: 'AjaxControlToolkit.PasswordStrength.TextStrengthDescriptionStyles' is obsolete: 'This property has been deprecated. Please use the StrengthStyles property instead.'C:\inetpub\xxxxxx\Secure\PasswordReset.aspx(23,13): warning CS0618: 'AjaxControlToolkit.PasswordStrength.TextStrengthDescriptionStyles' is obsolete: 'This property has been deprecated. Please use the StrengthStyles property instead.'c:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\Temporary ASP.NET Files\xxxxxxxx\377ab6cd\f6903faa\App_Web_ehykniun.7.cs(405,13): warning CS0618: 'AjaxControlToolkit.PasswordStrength.TextStrengthDescriptionStyles' is obsolete: 'This property has been deprecated. Please use the StrengthStyles property instead.'
This is now fixed in the source code repository. However you can safely ignore this its just a warning not an error.