Where to get started with multiple sites?

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2/15/2012 11:06:33 AM
Total Posts 104

Where to get started with multiple sites?

So, I have a "Site List" that lists the main site, as well as a secondary site (SiteID = 2) that I now want to style and add content to... where does one even get started with this process?  I only have links for "Site Settings" and "Permissions".  When creating new content, I see no controls that allows me to associate content with a specific site.  How do I even access this second site?

2/15/2012 11:15:43 AM
Total Posts 1203
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Re: Where to get started with multiple sites?

All of the files for the second site will be located under /Data/sites/2, so for instance the second site's skins will be under /Data/sites/2/skins. To learn about how to access your two sites by host name or folder name, take a look at the Hosting Multiple Sites on One Installation document.


2/15/2012 11:19:53 AM
Total Posts 104

Re: Where to get started with multiple sites?

Thanks for your quick response - I did review that information, but I don't recall seeing any details about how to associate content to one site or another, or what URL one might use to try to access the site (without setting up host headers yet).  So, if one has more than one web site, then everything must be edited manually without using the interface?

2/15/2012 12:14:56 PM
Total Posts 104

Re: Where to get started with multiple sites?

this would seem to be basic information that should be covered somewhere...

1) How to create content and associate it to a child site

2) How to access (via URL) the child site

2/15/2012 12:30:42 PM
Total Posts 2256

Re: Where to get started with multiple sites?


1) How to create content and associate it to a child site

You create content on a child site by browsing to it and creating the content, just like the main site.

2) How to access (via URL) the child site

You must add a Hostname Mapping to the child site. The hostname mapping must be a domain that is setup on the website in some fashion, either the website is assigned a dedicated IP address or is using host headers. Either way, the domain must be setup in DNS to point to an IP address for the web server.

Joe D.

2/15/2012 12:35:16 PM
Total Posts 104

Re: Where to get started with multiple sites?

Thanks for the reply Joe, but just to clarify then, I can't do anything with my child site until after I somehow figure out this mapping thing?

2/15/2012 12:37:38 PM
Total Posts 2256

Re: Where to get started with multiple sites?

That's correct. If you can't map a hostname to it, you can't view or manage content for it.

Is this on a local machine or hosted on a server?

I might be able to help you get the hostname mapping setup but I'll need more information to do so.

Joe D.

2/15/2012 12:42:08 PM
Total Posts 104

Re: Where to get started with multiple sites?

ok - thanks for clarifying that for me... I am logging into a server via Remote Desktop Connection and have all admin rights...

Windows Web Server 2008 R2 SP1


2/15/2012 12:47:25 PM
Total Posts 104

Re: Where to get started with multiple sites?

right now, I can access the main site using a URL of http://<IP ADDRESS>:8080/mojoportal/

2/15/2012 12:47:50 PM
Total Posts 2256

Re: Where to get started with multiple sites?

Okay, so where do you manage your DNS? Wherever that is, create your domain or sub-domain and point its "A" record to the same IP address your main domain "A" record points to.

At this point, open IIS, select the website in question and click the "Bindings" link in the Actions pane. Click the Add button, and enter the domain.

Now, go to the Site Settings for the child site and click the "Host Name Mappings" tab and enter the domain there.

Joe D. 

2/15/2012 12:48:49 PM
Total Posts 104

Re: Where to get started with multiple sites?

in "Host Name Mapping" for the child site, I have "test" for now...

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