Importing an exported mP xls file into Wordpress

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2/13/2012 5:04:03 AM
Total Posts 3

Importing an exported mP xls file into Wordpress

Hi.  I know I shouldn't really be posting this question in mP forums but I've had no reply from WP (Wordpress) forums and I'm trying to find a solution.

I've been asked to import an exported mP excel file into Wordpress posts but I'm having difficulties to do this.  I'm trying to import the mp excel file via phpMyAdmin. Would anyone be familiar with any of this?  

Are there any special export features in mP that could assist in importing into WP?  Any advice, suggestions or links would be greatly appreciated.

I hope I don't offend anyone by posting here!

2/13/2012 9:38:11 AM
Total Posts 2253

Re: Importing an exported mP xls file into Wordpress


mojoPortal doesn't have any mechanism to export "posts" to excel. The only modules that offer any kind of Excel export are the Survey and Form Wizard modules, but those exports are of submitted data, not content so I have no idea why someone would want to import them to Wordpress.

Where did this excel file come from? How was it created?

Joe D. 

2/13/2012 3:05:00 PM
Total Posts 3

Re: Importing an exported mP xls file into Wordpress

HI Joe,

Sorry I haven't explained myself very well.  The mP export, I think, was through phpMyadmin and that was saved as an excel file.  The person wants to migrate the content of the mP forum to a WP forum.  My experience with databases is limited.  The tricky part is getting the Thread ID number in mP (that forms the relationship between the threads) to be 'seen' and work in WP.  Sorry if I'm confusing you with this.

As another possible option and as a last resort I thought mP might have a module that could assist with exporting the forum, making it easier to import into wp.


2/13/2012 3:10:58 PM
Total Posts 2253

Re: Importing an exported mP xls file into Wordpress

Hi Jasmin,

mojoPortal doesn't have a feature to export forum posts.

If you need to migrate a mojo forum to WordPress and you're not very experienced with databases, I suggest hiring someone who is knows databases well so you can be sure everything gets migrated properly.

Joe D. 

2/13/2012 3:35:43 PM
Total Posts 3

Re: Importing an exported mP xls file into Wordpress

OK.  Thanks for your reply and the advice.  I guess I'll have to look at that avenue.


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