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1/31/2012 10:31:48 AM
Total Posts 133


Firstly I must say I am totally impressed and happy with my first production Mojo site. ( We run an external monitoring service that tests our home page every 15 minutes from various points around the UK backbone (ippatrol.co.uk if anyone's interested) and it reports sub 0.5 secs for the full delivery of the home page which is as good as it gets. The service pings me by email and SMS if a threshhold I set for the delivery time is exceeded BUT and here's the point of this post when th e WP recycles the response time is > 15s so I have to set my trigger threshold very high.

I am trying to speed up the restart and have started by removing all the unused resx files from /app_globalresources.  I made a mistake way back and have built this site as site 1 so it includes all the features and the webstore projects we do not use and never will on this installation - I am using a different installation fro each client. 

So 3 Questions

Are there any other things I can remove to speed up the .NET recompile?

Is it at all feasible to undo my earlier mistake and script a move from site1 to site 2? That way I could remove the unwanted feature from this site. I have a separate development server and Db to experiment on that is fully backed up so I can rollback if needed. 

Can I just remove the webstore projects from the solution in VS2010 and redeploy - will that help much with the restart time?

Cheers and thanks again for a great CMS and the 5* support - best I have evr known in 20 years in this business


1/31/2012 2:09:54 PM
Total Posts 2253

Re: Speed

You can use the AppKeepAlive to keep the site from recycling.

I am not sure what you're talking about with regards to setting the site up as Site 1 by mistake or why you think that would slow the site down. The Multiple-Sites configuration where you assign features to the child sites has no effect on performance for the child sites. The unassigned features are still installed and their code is still compiled during the JIT compilation. If you want to remove the features from the drop-down list of available features to use on a page, goto Administration > Advanced Tools > Feature Installation and Configuration. From here, click the "Permissions" link next to the feature(s) you want to prevent users from adding to their pages and then remove the "All Users" role. Note that this will only hide the features from non-admins. You could click the wrench icon next to a feature and then tick the "Exclude From Feature List" option but that setting be overwritten any time the /Setup/Default.aspx page is visited. Doing either of these is not going to improve the speed of the site.

To create build that doesn't have all of the features, you can follow the instructions in the "Producing a Minimal Build without Features" document.

Joe D. 

1/31/2012 2:24:36 PM
Total Posts 18439

Re: Speed

If you already have something pinging your site every 15 minutes that should be keeping the site awake unless the default app pool timeout is less than 15 minutes. If the site is staying awake then startup time shouldn't be a problem. Myself I would not use the AppKeepAlive if you have an external service pingning your site already it is redundant since all the appKeepalive task does is spin up a background thread the pings your home page every 10 minutes.

You can remove skins you are not using and that might reduce compile time a little.

You can delete the /WebStore folder from your site if you are not using the feature and that will remove some files that would be compiled, and then remove WebStore projects from your custom .sln so it doesn't get packaged when you publish. If you previously built it before removing it you would need to also delete it from beneath Web/WebStore in your dev environment because it already got copied there by a post build event, and it wouldn't hurt to also remove the uneeded webstore dlls from the /bin folder

2/1/2012 3:33:50 AM
Total Posts 133

Re: Speed

Thanks guys - I'll remove the webstore, I had already removed all the unused skins from both locations. 


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