ManageUsers.aspx error!

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1/27/2012 6:41:52 AM
Total Posts 46

ManageUsers.aspx error when when user have not login again and PasswordSalt is empty!


In version,  an error occurs in code in function PopulateControls in file ManageUsers.aspx.cs when siteUser.PasswordSalt is "".


mojoMembershipProvider mojoMembership = (mojoMembershipProvider)Membership.Provider;
this.txtPassword.Text = mojoMembership.UnencodePassword(siteUser.Password, MembershipPasswordFormat.Encrypted).Replace(siteUser.PasswordSalt, string.Empty); //error
catch (FormatException ex)



1/27/2012 7:51:38 AM
Total Posts 18428

Re: ManageUsers.aspx error!

please post the stacktrace so I can see what kind of error it is.

I really don't expect an error would happen there if the salt is empty because the only difference when using a salt is that it is concatenated with the password before encrypting, and then for decrypting we the decrypted password will still have the salt concatentated to it, so we then replace it with an empty string.

So the only error I could see is if it causes an error to replace empty string with empty string. So please post the error details so I can understand what is happening.



1/27/2012 8:37:19 AM
Total Posts 18428

Re: ManageUsers.aspx error!

Ok, it was caused by replacing empty string with empty string. This is now fixed in the source code repository. I will patch the release files with a new version of mojoPortal.Web.dll asap.

Edit: I've patched the release with the fix for this error. The only file that changed is mojoPortal.Web.dll



1/28/2012 1:23:15 AM
Total Posts 46

Re: ManageUsers.aspx error!

Now, it works!


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