URL Manager and Redirect Manager pager

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1/25/2012 6:44:43 PM
Total Posts 15

URL Manager and Redirect Manager pager

Would it be possible to make the page size on the pager for URL manager and Redirect manager configurable? Say, a text box that you could input a number to? As it stands, it's hard coded at 15 and there is no way of changing it short of recompiling.

We convert a fair number of our clients from other platforms or web sites and often have a lot of 301 redirects. When we want to find one it's quite a pain to have to page through to search for the one we want. It would be nice to have it default to 15 but be able to configure it to a much higher number so we could use the text search function within the browser to find the URL (text) we want. It seems like this would be easier than trying to build a search function for the URL and Redirect manager pages.



1/26/2012 12:50:50 PM
Total Posts 18428

Re: URL Manager and Redirect Manager pager

Hi James,

I've just added config settings for the page size in url manager (UrlManagerPageSize) and feed manager (RedirectManagerPageSize).

These settings now exist in the source code repository, if you had requested them a day or so sooner they could have made it into the new release that shipped today.

Note that I moved this thread to the Feature Requests forum as you had posted it in the Bug Reports forum but it is not a bug report.



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