Content Templates do not render in tinymce

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1/25/2012 5:35:51 PM
Total Posts 199

Content Templates do not render in tinymce

I created a new two column template and uploaded the css to the style.css file.  I then went to one of the HTML content modules and copied all the div tags there.  the structure only renders after the page is updated and will not render in the tinymce so working with it is impossible.  Is this by default or am I doing something wrong or placing the css in the incorrect file??

below is the css I am using


1/26/2012 12:57:44 PM
Total Posts 18428

Re: Content Templates do not render in tinymce

Not everything is going to work inside the editors, like javascript widgets for example won't work inside the editor. Simple layout things should work in general but things may wrap inside the editor if the editor is not wide enough. You can try the full screen toolbar item in the editor and that may help because it will make the edito wide enough that the lalyout may not wrap.

I don't understand where you're putting the css, if you put in the the style.css (which you should) it should not be wrapped in <style type="text/css">

Hope that helps,


1/26/2012 2:49:59 PM
Total Posts 199

Re: Content Templates do not render in tinymce

thanks Joe for responding - let me clarify.

when tinymce is in use I add my div tag with the class and while in edit mode the div tag does not render.  My div tag is simple 200 x 300 with some padding and a background color.  I was hoping that the div would render and so I could enter content into the div box visually while the background, size and padding were shown, but it does not.

the div will only render visually after i save the page.


I have the below div tag in the page


I have the below css class in style.css

background-color: #C0C0C0;
font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
font-size: 12px;
width: 200px;
height: 300px;
padding: 10px;


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