mobilekit pro blackberry support

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1/24/2012 4:40:17 PM
Total Posts 21

mobilekit pro blackberry support

Hi Joe-

We purchased mobilekit pro to create a mobile version of our site. It is working great with Android and iPhones, however there is a large contingent of our user base that still uses Blackberries. I've found in testing that the full site skin is being loaded instead of the mobilekit skin.

Would it be possible to update the user agent detection so that Blackberries are pushed to the mobile skin?



1/24/2012 4:50:43 PM
Total Posts 18428

Re: mobilekit pro blackberry support

Hi Mike,

I can't promise it will work well in Blackberry devices and I don't plan to add official support for Blackberry, but you can give it a try pretty easy and see how it works out by adding this to your user.config file

<add key="MobilePhoneUserAgents" value="iphone,ipod,android,iemobile,blackberry" />

Note that I'm assuming that the user agent string for Blackberry has the word blackberry in it, I don't know for sure if it does.

We're lower casing the user agent and checking if it contains one of the words separated by commas in this setting and if so we apply the mobile skin.

Hope that helps,


1/25/2012 1:01:46 PM
Total Posts 21

Re: mobilekit pro blackberry support

That worked. Thanks so much for the help. I probably should have read the installation directions better, the key was mentioned there... 

BTW, it seems to work okay with Blackberry.


1/26/2012 1:05:20 PM
Total Posts 18428

Re: mobilekit pro blackberry support

Glad to hear that worked for you!



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