Webparts and mediumtrust

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1/18/2012 1:22:47 PM
Total Posts 190

Webparts and mediumtrust

This is probably a dumb question but I'm getting nowhere with it. After updating to I can't seem to the webpart configuration in the admin running the site with IIS Express on my desktop from VS. But I'm also getting the same the result after publishing to my test server. It seems to think I'm running in medium trust, which I'm not, and I haven't been able to pin down what has likely changed in my web.config to cause this. I've uncommented all the appropriate tags and made other changes as specified in the page on using the MyPage feature. (just for the record, I won't be using webparts much longer!) I also tried explicitly specifying full trust in the web.config (which can be overridden on my machine) and that doesn't even help. Any thoughts??



1/23/2012 9:21:29 AM
Total Posts 18428

Re: Webparts and mediumtrust

Hi John,

What do you mean by:

It seems to think I'm running in medium trust

Can you post the stack trace?



1/26/2012 11:45:56 AM
Total Posts 190

Re: Webparts and mediumtrust

Sorry, I posted this a little prematurely. In the webpart admin a "you're appear to be running in medium trust" message was displayed rather than the list of installed/not installed webparts. I tracked down where in the code that message was coming from and was able to determine that a .dll name was missing from the "AssembliesNotSearchedForWebParts" app setting. The problem is cleared up.

Thanks again

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