500 Internal Server Error on Skin files ???

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1/3/2012 3:11:49 PM
Total Posts 130

Re: 500 Internal Server Error on Skin files ???

D'oh!  I tried using jquery-ui1 straight from the Data/skins directory and am still getting the 500 errors on the skin files.  This is a sneaky bug! ~ B

1/3/2012 3:21:34 PM
Total Posts 18439

Re: 500 Internal Server Error on Skin files ???

Hi Beth,

You say the skin loads fine with your old Web.config file in place. Can you zip the old Web.config and email it to me? Maybe that will help me spot the difference and figure out which change is the most likely culprit. 



1/3/2012 3:25:41 PM
Total Posts 130

Re: 500 Internal Server Error on Skin files ???

Absolutely! Thank you for looking at it ... sent! ~ B

1/3/2012 3:41:30 PM
Total Posts 18439

Re: 500 Internal Server Error on Skin files ???

Hi Beth,

Did you transfer your Web.config customizations from the old Web.config to the new one?

Maybe the error could be caused by it not having some of those customizations.

I noticed in your old Web.config you have the whole <system.web section wrapped inside a location element like this:

<location allowOverride="true">


and I also noticed these items which I don't remember every being in our Web.config so I assume it is needed for some reason on your end:

<add extension=".htm" type="System.Web.Compilation.PageBuildProvider" />
<add extension=".html" type="System.Web.Compilation.PageBuildProvider" />

<add name="PageHandlerFactory-HTML" path="*.html" verb="*" type="System.Web.UI.PageHandlerFactory" resourceType="Unspecified" preCondition="integratedMode" />
<add name="PageHandlerFactory-HTM" path="*.htm" verb="*" type="System.Web.UI.PageHandlerFactory" resourceType="Unspecified" preCondition="integratedMode" requireAccess="None" />

and also a lot of rewrite rules inside:



I would look for those things in your old Web.config and try to copy them into the same locations in the new one and see if that solves it.

The location element and the rewrite rules seem like the most likely to cause errors if missing and needed.



1/3/2012 3:57:49 PM
Total Posts 130

Re: 500 Internal Server Error on Skin files ???

If those are customizations I don't remember making them :-P  I'll add them and see what happens ... first thing in the morning! Thanks for looking at it for me, Joe.  I'll let you know what comes of it. ~ Beth

1/3/2012 4:00:29 PM
Total Posts 130

Re: 500 Internal Server Error on Skin files ???

Well ... other than the rewrites that I definitely added and copied over to the new web.config ;-)

1/4/2012 9:55:01 AM
Total Posts 130

Re: 500 Internal Server Error on Skin files ???

Morning. Here's where I'm at. I applied the customizations to the new web.config with no changes.

I downloaded a vanilla install of, put it on my server and connected it to a brand new empty db, ran the install script and loaded the site .... images are throwing 500 errors.  This is a slight improvement as the combined stylesheet is loading.

Again, I checked the server application logs and there are no errors. There are some errors in the mojoPortal system log that I'm going to email to you.

I commented out the Wordpress handler you suggested earlier and that has not made a difference.  I checked on the server and php is not installed. I'm bringing my co-workers in on this as well, but do not feel any closer to the solution at this point.

This is the same server that my older version of mojo is functioning fine on.  All settings, app pools, server and IIS versions are the same as discussed earlier in this conversation.

~ Beth


1/4/2012 10:04:46 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: 500 Internal Server Error on Skin files ???

Hi Beth,

The only things in your log are typical expected errors when you run against a new db, it throws some database errors until you visit the setup page which creates the database objects.

Can you try removing the entire <staticContent> section from Web.config and see if that makes any difference?

Really images are static files and by default they are served directly by IIS and not handled by any .NET code, so the only things we will see in the log are errors that originate in .NET code.

There are some new things in the staticContent section that are for defining some mime types needed for our new audio and video players, but possibly this is causing some kind of IIS error with other static files.



1/4/2012 10:37:04 AM
Total Posts 130

Re: 500 Internal Server Error on Skin files ???

Joe! I'm doing back flips over here ... that was the problem! I just applied it on my upgraded site and all the files are loading ... including the scripts in the ClientScript directory.

Now that we know what the problem was please let me know if there is something I need to do so that I can still access the new audio/video players.

Had I the time to test this out prior to the new release we may have discovered this ahead of time ... I'm really sorry I didn't have time to work on it.  UF is closed the week between xmas and New Years and my personal life got in the way.  I just want you to know that I work in mojoPortal 5 days a week and am invested in the project.  Hopefully I'll be able to help more in the future.

~ Beth

1/4/2012 10:46:14 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: 500 Internal Server Error on Skin files ???

Hi Beth,

The audio and video players may work just fine for you if the mime types are already registered in IIS. I found I needed to add them on my machine using those settings in Web.config. Someone else reported an error caused by the addition of <mimeMap settings but when we added the removes first it solved it for him.

<remove... for each of them first it solved it for him.

So I thought those settings would be fine in all cases because IIS will report an error if those mime types are not registered and you try to uplaod or play a file of that type, but it also gives an error if you try to add mime types that are already registered in IIS, so I thought by putting the <remove.. first and then adding them it would solve it in all cases (and it did fix it in some cases of both situations), but apparently it can still cause problems in some cases, I'm not sure why at this point but it is good to know since it will probably come up again.



1/5/2012 1:34:41 PM
Total Posts 18439

Re: 500 Internal Server Error on Skin files ???

Hi Beth,

btw, I'm already close to another release so any testing on the latest from the repository is helpful.

I've moved permissions out of site settings for reasons mentioned on this thread, and also we now use stronger sha512 hashing with salt for hashed passwords and we added salt also for encrypted passwords. Existng users will be updated to the new stronger formats automatically when they next login.



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