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I added a new property into CustomProfile.config and it worked great on my development box. Property showed up when I edited the user in the admin screens. Then I deployed (copied) the entire site over my production files and made sure the app restarted. Nothing changed on my production box. The new property doesn't show up.
Below is the property I added. Any help is appreciated.
<add name="CPE_ID"type="System.Int32"allowMarkup="false"resourceFile="ProfileResource"labelResourceKey="CPE ID"lazyLoad="false"requiredForRegistration="false"showOnRegistration="false"allowAnonymous="false"visibleToAnonymous="false"visibleToAuthenticated="false"visibleToUser="false"editableByUser="true"regexValidationExpression=""regexValidationErrorResourceKey=""onlyAvailableForRoles=""onlyVisibleForRoles=""defaultValue="56"includeHelpLink="false">
Checked system log but nothing was indicated.
I'd try running /setup on the production box. I'm not sure if that's required or not, but it couldn't hurt.
That didn't correct the problem.
Thanks for the reply.
Most likely you have configured a custom userprofile.config file as mentioned in the article and pointed to it from user.config on your local machine but have forgot to do that on production so it is still pointing to the standard profile config file.
Hope that helps,
Thanks Joe. That was it.
It's always the little things :)
Glad that solved it Michael and thanks for the beer!