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I am not exactly sure of what skin I was trying to see how it look with the site. However, I ran into a bit of a problem. When I clicked site settings the navigator the side one, ended up covering the area where you would select the skin, or for tht mater all the rest as well. I am sending a screen capture of what is happening in an email.
Are you hosted in a Medium Trust environment?
Can you tell me step by step how to produce this bug?
Joe, I was able to fix it myself. I found out what the problem was and changed it back to what it was before. I will post what happened later tonight.
Here is the description, that I promissed. If you are selecting mojoguidetothegalaxy skin and have checked 'allow setting skin for page?' The navigator will cover up the area where the skin is selected. Then if you deslect the 'allow setting skin for page and save it will go back to the way it belongs. It was a little frustrating at first, but I had no other options so I started deslecting check box's, which is how I found out what was causing it. My host is I think it might be something that I caused, but it is still a good idea to let you know, in case others have the same problem