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I'm using the default web.config with my new mojoPortal installation under IIS 7.5. I am receiving the error:
The configuration section 'system.web.extensions' cannot be read because it is missing a section declaration
Sounds like you're trying to run the .NET 4 version of mojoPortal in a .NET 3.5 Application Pool.
If you set your Application Pool to .NET 4, it should work just fine.
Hope this helps,Joe D.
4.0 isn't on the list of Pool Settings
Sounds like .NET 4 hasn't been installed on the server. You can install it or use the .NET 3.5 mojoPortal release package.
HTH,Joe D.
So I download 3.5 in order to obtain 4.0? Why not download 4.0 release files?
Joe means you can either download the .Net 4 Framework installation from Microsoft to install on your server or you can download the MojoPortal version that is built for 3.5 Framework.
Hi joe
I have got similar problem on a production server ,would that be the same case
Parser Error Message: Unrecognized configuration section system.web.extensions.
Line 1075: -->Line 1076: </system.webServer>Line 1077: <system.web.extensions>Line 1078: <scripting>Line 1079: <scriptResourceHandler enableCompression="true" enableCaching="true"/>
See the 9th and 10th items on our FAQ page.
Hope that helps,