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Just moving my first MoJo site over to our live environment and trying to decide whether to have separate MoJo installations or use 1 for multiple sites (I have 4 more in sites the pipeline). Does anyone have any metrics that are relevant or experiences with multisite environments they can share? I am running the latest MoJo code on w2003 with mssql - the databases are on a backend cluster - the web server is powered by a XEON E5504 2Gz quad core with 6Gb RAM and the disk system is RAID 5
A related question - I am considering trying to move site 1 to site 2 by scripting the siteid and siteguid changes in the database. Has anyone tried to do this? Any gotchas or advice?
Hi John,
I had a multi -site set up and now I am trying to separate them. I copied the database and all of wwwroot to the site 2 domain and plan on deleting site 2 once I get it running.
Now for site 2 - how do I make it the main site for it's domain. Is there a way to flip them and then delete?
See this thread where I answered the same question about changing the master site.