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I have filled in all the fields for Title and description on each page and when I run a tool to read meta data tags I am getting the following back... Got any thoughts of suggestions on ho wto fix this so the search engines can find me?
Meta tags report for: http://www.YachtLogSoftware.com Found no meta tags. Meta tags analysis. Title: Found no title. The title is used by most of the search engines. Consider adding a title. Description: Found no description meta tag. The description meta tag is used by most of the search engines. Consider adding a description meta tag. Keywords: Found no keywords meta tag. The keyword meta tag is still used by many search engines. Consider adding a keyword meta tag. Robots: Found no robots meta tag. This tag is not really required but helps spiders to index the web page. Author: Found no author meta tag. This tag is not really required but helps for your (company) name recognition. Web page analysis. The size of the web page. The size of the web page is 32687 bytes. The web page load time. The web page load time is 2 seconds. Your site displayed on a search engine page.
I don't think that tool is working. I ran it against the W3Cschools.com page about meta tags, and it found no meta tags for it either, even though when viewing source it clearly has a description meta tag on that page.