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Hey all,
You haven't seen me on here in a long time, and for that I apologize; college has been killing me. But enough of that. What has been killing me even more is the number of spam comments on my blog even with limited SEO (I'll get around to fixing that, I just haven't). Like on one of my older posts, I discovered today when I went to post a current update like 35 or so stupid comments about auto insurance. Where are all of these coming from? I know that they are not from any of my members since one, most of us don't drive, and two, my SEO is limited, so how the heck and who the heck is doing their best to annoy me? And worse yet, I found about 125 spam comments on another post from a while ago as well. What can I do to keep these people or bots at bay and hopefully only keep meaningful comments on our posts? That is, without turning off the comments feature all together or limiting it in any way. I hate limits on community sites. Thanks for any advice you may have.
Most likely it's automated bots that are entering those spam comments. I would recommend that you enable Recaptcha to protect your open comments. We noticed the same issue you're having when we were using the Subkismet CAPTCHA, but the link spam has ceased since moving to Recaptcha.
Thanks for posting that link since I couldn't remember where the heck it was. It does appear that I'm going to have to go there. I was hoping to not have to go that route since one of the big parts of my web site is accessibility for all, but I can say that since right now, evidently I'm the only one on my site right now because my other hands are too busy at the moment, I hate having hundreds of comments to delete all of the time. And I'm going to ensure that I can configure the audio since the whole point (or one of them), is to blur the line between the blind and the sighted. That's why I hate having to do this.
I fully agree that CAPTCHA technology is a very unfortunate necessity these days. I hope the audio option works well for your users! I'd be interested to hear what you think of it once you have it configured.