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I've been contacted by my site content administrator that when using Google Chrome to edit a page, Google Safe Browsing throws a red screen reporting that Google has found malware on svc.spellchecker.net and that you're at risk if you go to the page.
A little research showed that svc.spellchecker.net is the site used by the scayt module in CKEditor, which is the spellchecker enabled by default.
I found that you can disable that module by visiting the CKEditor directory under ClientScripts, edit config.js and add the line "config.scayt_autoStartup=false;" to the .editorConfig function. However, I haven't been able to verify that it works, as I got the same error the next time I loaded the page. It may be a caching issue I guess, but I haven't taken the time to restart the server or flush my browser cache to find out. I wanted to report the issue before going much further.
Is there any other way to make this configuration that I'm missing?
We have a similar dicussion on this thread, my advice for now is to change to TinyMCE until the problem gets resolved.
Thanks. Searched for an existing thread but did not find that one. I'll follow the advice there.
On October 20, 2011 www.spellchecker.net was reported as malware by Google due to embedding third-party content. While using Hosted SpellCheckAsYouType (SCAYT) and WebSpellChecker (WSC) services you could see a warning message about malware from web browser - Chrome or Firefox. WebSpellChecker.net team has resolved the issue immediately and Google approved the fix. Starting from October 21, 2011 www.spellchecker.net is not reported as malware.
We would like to assure you that the WebSpellChecker.net software itself has been working properly; it's only the part of the website www.spellchecker.net including free services pages was affected. We apologize for any inconveniences it may have caused you or your users.
Your users and you would not receive any warning messages if the application were upgraded to the latest version. The instruction how to update the version can be found here http://www.webspellchecker.net/blog/?p=909We apologize for any inconveniences it may have caused you or your users.
WebSpellChecker.net Team