How to set the Meta Data for the Home Page site root?

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10/19/2011 6:43:59 PM
Total Posts 383
Thanks Squire Dude

How to set the Meta Data for the Home Page site root?


I am able to add Meta Data key words for each page except the root page.  I was expecting the root page to be the primary place to add meta data for the overall site.

How do I add meta data for the site &/or home page?

10/20/2011 10:01:00 AM
Total Posts 2249

Re: How to set the Meta Data for the Home Page site root?

Hi Phill,

You should be able to browse to the root page, click the "Edit Page Settings" link and then select the Meta Settings tab.

Joe D.

10/20/2011 11:09:05 AM
Total Posts 383
Thanks Squire Dude

Re: How to set the Meta Data for the Home Page site root?

Hi Joe D,

Thanks, that is exactly what I expected but noooo not on my site... :-(

When you say "Edit Page Settings" you mean the little wrench (or can opener) icon next to the pencil icon?

If I click on the Wrench (can opener) I get 3 tabs "HTML Content Settings", "General", & "Security".  No meta data...


If I go to Administration > Add/Edit Pages > Select Page > Meta Settings > Page keywords & Page Description... I am there and

Is that the correct way  or path to take to get to them?  Because its the only one I can find!

10/20/2011 11:39:43 AM
Total Posts 1203
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Re: How to set the Meta Data for the Home Page site root?

When you're on a page (including the home page), and logged in as an appropriate role, the Admin toolbar at the bottom has a link on the right labeled "Page Settings". Click that link, and there is a Meta Settings tab that contains the options you're looking for.


10/20/2011 12:26:34 PM
Total Posts 383
Thanks Squire Dude

Re: How to set the Meta Data for the Home Page site root?

Hi Jamie E,

Thanks got it... so many links and places that look alike but arn't!!!

Got them all fixed up for now.

10/21/2011 7:41:35 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: How to set the Meta Data for the Home Page site root?

Those are 2 different ways to get to the same place. In both cases you end up at the PageSettings.aspx page. So it isn't that it looks the same, it is the same.

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