Form Wizard pro customization questions

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10/17/2011 9:42:13 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: Form Wizard pro customization questions


It is not currently possible for a user to just see his own data. The current functionality is that only users with edit permission can see the data and those users can see all the data. 

I don't have any suggestions for now, there is neither a configuration solution nor a code solution. I do have a wish list item in my project tracker to support a scenario where a user must be authenticated to submit the form but the user is allowed to view/update his own submission. So this may come in a future update to Form Wizard Pro but I don't have any estimate of when that might happen.



10/17/2011 10:00:35 AM
Total Posts 45
Thanks, cms_developer Contributer:

Re: Form Wizard pro customization questions


Appreciate your response.

I understand that Form Wizard Pro is designed for the poll type of questions.

But if you can generalize this in next edition so that it can submit data for all kinds of form not just question answer type and can restrict those access for CRUD operations at user level and admin level with option of customization to the user level like read only or edit or delete from admin will make it great product according to my understanding.

So I vote for this feature also think many will benefit from it and make your product for marketable.

After all most common requirement of all forms is to submit the user data to DB and retrive back to screen. Which it does well now to certain extend so i don't think it will be harder to do remaining it just needs customazitaion for that from admin level and from design should have also different customization options to allow other types of froms except QA type. Just my 2cents.



10/17/2011 10:05:37 AM
Total Posts 45
Thanks, cms_developer Contributer:

Re: Form Wizard pro customization questions

I mean to say in addition to Question Answer type:


User Registration 


Insurance Forms 

Medical data etc 

So that user can design any kinds of forms with it.


10/17/2011 12:29:13 PM
Total Posts 18439

Re: Form Wizard pro customization questions


Form Wizard is not intended to support use as a login or registration form. We have built in functionality in mojoPortal for those features, and it is possible currently to add some custom fields to the user profile and require them on the registration page. While one could implement a custom form submission handler and from there one could create a site user or set an authentication cookie so technically one could use it as a registration or login form, but it was not intended for that and I don't recommend it for that.

Form Wizard is also not designed for polls, we have a free Poll feature included in mojoPortal.

Form Wizard Pro is not meant for custom development or as a CRUD solution for custom development. If you have complex needs it is better to implement a custom feature specifically for the need. It is easy for developers to define your own table in the database and we have Codesmith templates that can generate a lot of starter code for a custom feature for data access, for business layer, and even for UI such as grids or forms.

Form Wizard Pro is designed to make it fairly easy for non technical people to create custom contact forms, simple surveys, quote requests, job applications or many other scenarios where you just want to capture some data from visitors of your site.

When we make it possible for users to edit the form after posting and to see their submitted data then maybe it will fit some other scenarios like Insurance Form or  Medical Data, but it will depend on how complex the needs are. If there are a lot of business rules it is probably better to implement a custom feature, and those scenarios sound to me like ones where there would be a lot of complex rules and requirements about what data the user can edit, keeping history of their changes, only allowing them to edit at certain times of year etc. Form Wizard Pro is not designed to be a solution for every problem. My goal is to keep it simple and easy to use but that goal requires choosing not to add lots and lots of options and configurations, the more options and configurations the less user friendly it will become.



10/17/2011 1:28:19 PM
Total Posts 45
Thanks, cms_developer Contributer:

Re: Form Wizard pro customization questions


Thanks for the explanation. I agree with all your explanation but still not convinced why one user should see other users data.

Admin can view all user data that is fine.Anyway thats fine I want to focus on my business requirement.

Ok for my requirement I want app like From Pro for data entry and browse features like  it does now.

I have already figured how to control page level and instance level control with Authorization Admin feature that you answered before.

How do I interface with Portal to develop my custom app at least high level guidance will be helpful.

Also any pointers to example or links for references will be appreciated.I am lost where should i start?

10/17/2011 2:23:54 PM
Total Posts 18439

Re: Form Wizard pro customization questions


We have a lot of Developer Documentation

and finally, the mojoPortal source code is a good tool for learning how to develop custom features. The way the projects are structured for the mojoPortal.Features set of projects and the WebStore set of projects is setup the exact same way that I would setup projects for a custom feature. We use post build events on the UI projects to copy the needed files up to the Web folder since they run in the context of mojoPortal Web and cannot run on their own. The features have dependencies on mojoPortal core projects but mojoPortal does not depend on the features.

Hope that helps,


12/7/2011 8:26:41 AM
Total Posts 45
Thanks, cms_developer Contributer:

Re: Form Wizard pro customization questions


Any updates on how to make user A data not visible to user B data using From Wizard Pro when both user have same edit custom roles to submit form?You said this is something that you are planning to implement in future?Or these is any workaround to achieve this task?

12/7/2011 9:09:02 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: Form Wizard pro customization questions


Sorry but I have no update or eta of when I will get to this and I have no suggested workaround. I willl get to it at some point but I make no promise of when, I don't expect to get to it in the very near term, there are just too many higher priority things in my to do list right now.



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