Problem in Source code

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This forum is for discussing mojoPortal development

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10/12/2011 4:34:19 AM
Total Posts 5

Problem in Source code


          I have downloaded this file and unzip and run , it is working properly . But, when i choose WebStore.UI as a statup project

          it gives me the error of MojoPortal.Features.UI.layout ambiguity ..........

          What is it's solution ?

                                            what should i do, How can i start developing a web app through mojoportal, because i got the

          MojoPortal Module creation documentation  in-sufficient, means how we can add controls through visual studion and a lot.


          Do any one have idea or it's proper documentation, how to start working andd solution of above problem ,

          waiting for your suggestions, helps......................

                                                                                               thanks - 

10/12/2011 6:55:36 AM
Total Posts 18428

Re: Problem in Source code


Those .zip files are generated by the codeplex web site not by me. If there was a way for me to get rid of those links to those .zip files I would because they do not work correctly.

The only correct way to get the source code is using TortoiseHG.



10/13/2011 12:27:42 AM
Total Posts 5

Re: Problem in Source code

Thanks  Joe,

                     For suggestion, I have put it in downloading through Tortoise hg ........................., as it will be finished, i will try to

                     familiar with it, I want to develop a web app through it and i want to apply my own themes or layouts on those pages

                     surely , further you will help me by you precious suggestions.................



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