Menu Formatting Lost in Page-Level Skins

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10/10/2011 10:32:35 AM
Total Posts 23

Menu Formatting Lost in Page-Level Skins


We are building up a new site. We are using a page-level skin for the front page. When I select this skin, I loose the menu style formatting, and it just shows up as hyperlink text. I have tried this with stock skins, and it is the same thing. Any skin I choose as the default (site level) skin works just fine, it is only the page-specific skin I am having trouble with.



10/11/2011 11:05:10 AM
Total Posts 18428

Re: Menu Formatting Lost in Page-Level Skins

I'm not able to reproduce the problem.

The way I would trouble shoot it is using tools like the Firebug plugin for Firefox or other browser dev tools. Look at the network requests for css and see what is happening, is it an error or is it returning css, ie try visiting the css url that you see when you view the source of the page. Does it return css or is there an error?

Hope that helps,


10/12/2011 9:55:04 AM
Total Posts 23

Re: Menu Formatting Lost in Page-Level Skins

Thanks Joe,

It is now fixed. Best theory I have is that that updating the mojoPortal.web.dll for the "Browse Server" issue we were having made it work.

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