CKEditor not rendering images in IE8

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10/10/2011 8:48:08 AM
Total Posts 46

CKEditor not rendering images in IE8


in internet explorer 8 on windows XP when i click in the CKEditor to put in an image and click browse, the images show fine, but when i select one the preview box shows a red X. the editor then shows the same red X. all files are /data/sites/1/image.jpg and browsing to the image with the full path works fine.

if i put the full path ( to the file the editor shows the full image, and then if i set it back to /data/sites/1/image.jpg the image shows fine.

Also it seems as if theirs an issue grabbing the width and height of the image, as when i try this in chrome/firefox it sets a style="width:200px; height:200px" on the image tag.

As this works in Firefox and Chrome I'm not sure where to start with the issue any ideas?

10/10/2011 11:20:22 AM
Total Posts 18428

Re: CKEditor not rendering images in IE8

What version of mojoPortal?

Can you produce the problem on our demo site?

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