Can content contain controls / mojo controls?

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10/7/2011 2:07:42 PM
Total Posts 5

Can content contain controls / mojo controls?

Hi I am new to mojo so am still feeling my way around.  My question involves the LoginLink controls: I need to place a login/logout within a page content but it appears that this area does not support either the mojo custom controls nor controls, (eg a panel).  I had place the html markup but this is not recognized by the server side engine to display/hide the appropriate tag.

short of writing my javascript does anyone have any suggestions how to do this?

And I dont' know if I can combine questions but I also have a need for a default button but I notice that we cannot nest form elements, again without resorting to jQuery is there a simple workaround?

Thanks!  Steve


10/7/2011 2:54:15 PM
Total Posts 18428

Re: Can content contain controls / mojo controls?


No, you cannot use ASP.NET controls inside the html content.

In ASP.NET WebForms there can be one and only one form on a page. If you want to do something with a form submission, you can easily implement a custom feature.

To make a default button in ASP.NET wrap the form controls inside a Panel and set the id of the buttonas the DefaultButton property on the panel. If the users hits the enter key while focus is on any control in the panel it will fire the button click.

<asp:Panel id="pnl" runat="server" DefaultButton="MyButton">

<asp:Button id="MyButton" runat="server" Text="Click Me" />


Hope that helps,


10/7/2011 3:24:42 PM
Total Posts 5

Re: Can content contain controls / mojo controls?

Thanks Joe I'm reading the Getting Started link you passed along now, thanks for the prompt reply!

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