Featured image

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10/4/2011 9:32:41 AM
Total Posts 160
mojoPortal Community Expert
Designer of over 25 unique and custom mojoPortal sites with DMSQD and sister company, The Design Loft - www.dmsqd.com

Featured image

Hi Joe

Small one here and a blatant Wordpress rip off! It'd be great to have a featured image for blog posts that we could then grab to use in Feed Manager - we frequently get feeds pulled to homepages and this would be super.



10/4/2011 10:29:29 AM
Total Posts 18428

Re: Featured image

Hi Mark,

It might not be as convenient as you would like, but it is possible to do this today.

In the blog if you enable excerpts for the feed in settings then in the post edit page you will see a tab where you can manually edit the excerpt, if you don't edit it then an excerpt will be generated from the main content, but if you edit the excerpt manually then it will use the excerpt you have entered. So you can put an image in the excerpt and that image will be included in the feed so you would see it in feed manager.

Hope that helps,


10/4/2011 10:42:30 AM
Total Posts 160
mojoPortal Community Expert
Designer of over 25 unique and custom mojoPortal sites with DMSQD and sister company, The Design Loft - www.dmsqd.com

Re: Featured image

Hi Joe

Great workaround, not sure why I didn't think of that! I think it's a "can't see the wood for the trees" scenario!

Thanks for getting back to me.

Speak soon


10/10/2011 11:04:30 AM
Total Posts 160
mojoPortal Community Expert
Designer of over 25 unique and custom mojoPortal sites with DMSQD and sister company, The Design Loft - www.dmsqd.com

Re: Featured image

Hi Joe - sorry this isn't perhaps in the right forum but I wanted to carry the thread on so we knew where we were!

Just tinkering with this and have the settings checked that we'd discussed above, and it's working great all except for one thing - the image HTML is being marked up when we pull the feed through but the image isn't being pulled (even though it's spaced for it).

Here's the link: http://www.clearview-uk.com and we're pulling the feed from latest news to the homepage. The image markup HTML is as follows:

<<span class="nodeTag ">img style="width: 150px; height: 137px; margin: 0 0 10px 10px; float: right;" src_neathtmlreplace="http://www.clearview-uk.com/Data/Sites/1/userfiles/news-thumbnails/clearview-thumb.png" alt="Clearview">

Incidentally, the image pulls through fine on the latest news page itself.



10/10/2011 11:11:44 AM
Total Posts 18428

Re: Featured image

Hi Mark,

There is a setting under Security Settings in Feed Manager whether to allow images. If you check the box to allow them it should solve the problem. There can be some security risk to allowing images from external sources so we have an option to block them. While in this case the image is not really external since it is coming from the same site, images are considered external unless they use relative urls and since the image urls in a feed must be fully qualified in order to work at all they are treated the same as external images.



10/10/2011 11:13:16 AM
Total Posts 160
mojoPortal Community Expert
Designer of over 25 unique and custom mojoPortal sites with DMSQD and sister company, The Design Loft - www.dmsqd.com

Re: Featured image

Hi Joe

I should've known that... sorry.....

But thanks :0)

Speak soon


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