Web Store has no Download button

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10/3/2011 7:14:03 PM
Total Posts 383
Thanks Squire Dude

Web Store has no Download button


I have got most of the web store working and it works just fine for my situation (2 products both downloadable).

Product #1 = $0.00 FREE

Product #2 = $49.99

I have setup the store, created the products, created an offer for each product.

BUT I must be missing something as when I click on the "cart" I do NOT see a "download now" button and not been able to find a way to show or download the item. 

What did I miss out?



10/3/2011 11:03:51 PM
Total Posts 355

Re: Web Store has no Download button


You attach the file to be downloaded in the "Product Administration", downloads are made available after purchase to the consumer via the customer profile, as well as an e-mail that's sent out. 

10/4/2011 12:19:55 PM
Total Posts 383
Thanks Squire Dude

Re: Web Store has no Download button

Hi Indigo Tea,

I have 2 products in the Product Admin page...

Product #1 has a price of $0.00, Available, Qty on hand 1000, Show in product list - I have uploaded the file (.zip) on the Fulfillment tab.

Still at no time do I see a "Download" button.  The system has NOT sent me an email either!

So either my system has got it self busted or I am missing something still


10/4/2011 2:21:10 PM
Total Posts 355

Re: Web Store has no Download button


Don't let it get to you; the Web Store does have some interesting quirks - I ran into similar problems when I first set up my store, and added a downloadable product. It could be one of a couple of things, so bear with me for a bit.

1) Have you set up your payment method for your cart?

2) What happens when you run a test transaction through the cart?

3) Do you see the same results for a product that has a cost above 0.00?

Knowing what's already been done helps to shorten the identification path - we'll get you sorted!

10/4/2011 2:49:33 PM
Total Posts 18428

Re: Web Store has no Download button

Hi Phill,

For download products you have to define download terms, under Store Manager > Download Terms Administration. Download terms define how many times and for how long into the future that the user may download the products. You can allow unlimited downloads or you can limit the number of times or limit how far into the future the product can be downloaded.

On the product you set Fulfillment Type as Download and upload the product file, then when you add the product to the offer you choose the download terms.

Updating those offers won't fix previous orders, because download tickets are generated based on the download terms active at the time the sale is completed. Therefore if you change download terms later it does not change them for previous orders.

So, once you have the product added to the offer and the download terms defined and the product has a download file then when you complete an order there will be download links on the order detail page.

You can always look around on our demo site and see how I have the download products and offers configured there.

Hope that helps,


10/6/2011 11:33:42 AM
Total Posts 383
Thanks Squire Dude

Re: Web Store has no Download button

Hi Indigo Tea & Joe,

Well I don't know what's happening... I looked on the demo site and note that after selecting the product and adding it to the cart there are two links "Proceed to checkout" and "Continue shopping".  - I do NOT get the "Proceed to checkout" link.

I have checked the web.config for the PayPal standard settings and followed your documentation and it looks correct...





As you can see very simple especially when I followed the docs.

I followed Joe's instructions...

"On the product you set Fulfillment Type as Download and upload the product file, then when you add the product to the offer you choose the download terms."

​(A) 1 item selected price $0.00
I have logged out closed the browser (Firefox) re-opened it and logged in still not links!
I just noticed also that if I use order product without logging in I see the PayPal button at the bottom of the Cart page... When I am logged in NO PayPal icon!
I NEVER get anything to let the user DOWNLOAD the item?
(it all seems to hinge on the fact that the item is FREE that it does not show a download option) 

(B) 1 item selected price $0.00, i item selected price $49.00
NOT Logged in - I go to the Cart I see the "Proceed To Checkout" link then I am asked to login!
Loged in - NO "Proceed to checkout" link
Asked to click on PayPal button....
That seems reasonable and the flow seems to work for me.

What is my Solution????
(Assumption (FREE item) - Create a new folder,  FTP the .ZIP file to folder,  Place Link on a new DOWNLOAD button, remove item from shopping cart)?!?!?! 

​opps-- sorry folks I had to come back to remove my email address and paypal code...

10/6/2011 11:40:12 AM
Total Posts 18428

Re: Web Store has no Download button

Hi Phill,

The proceed to checkout is only shown when using Authorize.NET. For PayPal users just click the PayPal button, and for  Google Checkout they just click the google checkout button.

The demo site is using a test account on Authorize.NET and a fake credit card is entered for demo purposes. There is unfortunately not a good way to demo PayPal or Google checkout due to the way they work.

You can see on the store of this site, there is no proceed to checkout (because I'm not using Authorize.NET), but only buttons for PayPal and Google Checkout.

Hope that helps,


10/6/2011 11:53:54 AM
Total Posts 18428

Re: Web Store has no Download button

Hey Phill,

Please try to keep the post edits to a minimum. Its ok to edit it if you really need to or made a mistake but keep in mind that every time you edit it those of us subscribed to the forum get another email notification for each edit. There are a lot of people subscribed to the forums so its sending a lot of email. You just aren't seeing it because it doesn't send it to the person who posted. I may change it to send to the poster in the near future to make people more aware that is what is happening and I may implement something to limit the resending of edited post notifications, but for now just be aware of it and try not to edit too much.



10/6/2011 12:01:56 PM
Total Posts 18428

Re: Web Store has no Download button

Hi Phill,

For download products we must require users to sign in before allowing them to checkout so that the order will be attached to a site user, otherwise how can we allow a download? We don't want to make the download available to people unless they bought it so we need to have a site user attached to every order that has download products.

For non download products like my Buy Joe a Beer Product, users do not have to have a user account and don't need to sign in, but as soon as a download product is in the cart we have to hide the paypal button and ask them to sign in so that we know who they are before we send them away to paypal.

Also note that it is very important that you configure IPN for PayPal (Instant Payment Notification), otherwise its possible that your site does not know that the order has cleared at paypal. It won't generate the final confirmation email or the download tickets until it gets notification from PayPal that the payment has cleared.

Hope that helps,


10/6/2011 12:10:54 PM
Total Posts 18428

Re: Web Store has no Download button

Actually I take it back about it not showing a proceed to checkout link on this site. That is what it shows as soon as you add a download product to your cart if you are not signed into the site, and then clicking it will prompt you to sign in or register and then after you sign in it will show the paypal button.

Whereas if you are already signed in then you will never see the proceed to checkout link unless you are using authorize.net., instead it will just show the paypal and/or google checkout buttons.

So if you are not signed into this site and you add a buy joe a beer to your cart it will immediately show the paypal button and it will not show a proceed to checkout, but as soon as you add a download product to the cart then if you are not signed in it will hide the paypal button and it will show the proceed to checkout link, again clicking that link is just going to prompt you to sign in or register.

If you have a download product in the cart, once you sign in it will show the paypal and or google checkout buttons.

So people can buy me a beer without signing in but they have to be signed in to buy a download product.

Hope that helps,


10/6/2011 1:05:58 PM
Total Posts 383
Thanks Squire Dude

Re: Web Store has no Download button

Hi Joe,

1st let me apologies for the edit, I realized that I had left my Email address and PDTId in the web.config copy. - Sorry about the edit.

I believe that I have everything setup and all in the right places because when I select "Add to Cart" for a product that is downloadable BUT HAS A PRICE - everything works.


When I have a product that has NO PRICE there is no need for any payment service or emails involved - YES the user DOES need to be logged in to down load the item -- BUT the user will want to download the item (file) immediately without the use of PayPal etc.

Is this process possible here?

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