Locked Out

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9/21/2011 4:48:00 PM
Total Posts 59

Locked Out

Tired and making silly mistakes!

If I change site admin so that NOBODY can sign in, can I reset this flag in the database somehow? I've been looking through the tables but can't see this anywhere.

I want to switch this back on so I can log in again. I was about to make all pages public and take out registration and signing in, but of course that was a silly thing to do.



9/21/2011 5:02:39 PM
Total Posts 59

Re: Locked Out

mp_SiteSettingsEx and mp_SiteSettingsExDef looked promising but I can't see the setting..

9/21/2011 5:24:50 PM
Total Posts 59

Re: Locked Out

Signing off now. Will give it another go tomorrow night.

Incase anyone replies to this.. I looked through the tables mentioned before, and expected to see something like AllowUsersToSignIn.

Thanks for any help,


9/21/2011 5:33:43 PM
Total Posts 18439

Re: Locked Out

Hi Andy,

We don't have anything that prevents users from signing in, there is a setting that prevents new users from registering but nothing that prevents existing users from signing in. If you don't see a link to sign in that might be a skinning issue but you can navigate to yoursiteroot/Secure/Login.aspx to sign in.

If that doesn't help please clarify what you did and what you mean by "Locked Out"

Hope that helps,


9/21/2011 6:11:21 PM
Total Posts 59

Re: Locked Out

Hi Joe - Thanks for the reply,

Sorry I should have put more info in my original post.

I went in to Site Settings under Administration, and unchecked AllowNewUsersToRegister, UseEmailForSignIn, RequireUserToEnterEmailTwiceOnRegistration, RequireApprovalBeforeNewUsersCanSignIn.

So, out of those the obvious one I would think (to be causing the problem) is UseEmailForSignIn.

I can access the sign in page no problem, but when I put in my admin email and password for the site it says login failed.



9/21/2011 6:17:29 PM
Total Posts 18439

Re: Locked Out

Hi Andy,

If you know what your username is you could login with that. If not then look in the mp_Sites table there is a field for UseEmailForLogin, change it to 0/false, then touch your web.config file to clear the site settings from cache. Then you can login with email.

Hope that helps,


9/22/2011 1:44:04 AM
Total Posts 59

Re: Locked Out

Thanks Joe, managed to log in with my user name, </panic>.

I've just bought you a beer to say thanks, keep up the good work with mojoportal.



9/22/2011 7:48:49 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: Locked Out

Glad your are back in!

Many thanks for the beer!



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