How to add "Content Pages" to a List Page?

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9/19/2011 12:40:08 PM
Total Posts 383
Thanks Squire Dude

How to add "Content Pages" to a List Page?


I am trying to create a Documentation or Help page for my web site... I have created all the help topics as "Content" pages and all are visible in the Content Manager.

Now that I have all my content setup I would like to add a Top level (under root) page which is a List of each of the list items is a link to a Content page.

How can I create a Page of Lists where each item in the list is a link to a Content page? 

  • The Title of the link is taken from the title of the Content page.
  • The Content should be shown as a new page within the site.

Basically I want to rip off MojoPortal by taking the same design that is on your Documentation on this site... sorry guys but it works and looks good!


9/19/2011 12:47:02 PM
Total Posts 2254

Re: How to add "Content Pages" to a List Page?

Hi Phill,

All you need to do is select the "Show Child Pages Site Map" option in the Page Settings for the Top Level Page that needs to show the list.

Joe D.

9/19/2011 1:03:49 PM
Total Posts 383
Thanks Squire Dude

Re: How to add "Content Pages" to a List Page?

Hi Joe,

Thanks for the come back but I still don't get it... maybe I am defining my question wrong...

  1. Created a New Page with 1 List object in the center panel
  2. ?????

How do I now add a Link to a Content Page that shows in the Content Manager but NOT anywhere else.

If I Publish via the Content Manager it displays the entire Content Page when I only want to build a set of links which will when clicked on open the appropriate Content Page.  Similar to...


9/19/2011 1:09:23 PM
Total Posts 2254

Re: How to add "Content Pages" to a List Page?

Hi Phill,

If the "Child Pages Site Map" option isn't working for you, you'll need to create the links yourself. The Documentation page on this site uses the "Child Pages Site Map" option.

If you give me a link to a few of the pages on your site you are working with, I might be able to help more.


9/19/2011 1:19:02 PM
Total Posts 18439

Re: How to add "Content Pages" to a List Page?

Hi Phil,

I think you are confused about content manager. If you create content there you are not creating pages, you are just creating content instances that are not published on any pages.

Pages are just containers for content instances, pages correspond to menu items and may contain none, one, or more content instances.

You need to create pages in a hierarchy then publish the content instances on those pages to create things like our documentation section.

It is far easier and more natural to create the pages at the same time as you create the content rather than using the content manager. 

Consider the page in this site documentation for Site Administration, that is a page that has no content instances on it it only has the show child pages site map enabled. If I want to make a new article below that page I first visit that page then I click the new page link and by default it will use the page you were on as the parent page. I create the page with a title that reflects the article I'm going to write and therefore the url also matches the article topic. Once the page is created I add an Html content feature to it with the same title and then I create the content of the article.

Since you've already createdthe articles as html content you need to create the pages corresponding to those articles in a hierarchy and then publish the articles on the corresponding pages.

Hope that helps,



9/19/2011 1:25:53 PM
Total Posts 383
Thanks Squire Dude

Re: How to add "Content Pages" to a List Page?

Hi Joe,

I am still in a fog over this... I followed you link and read the "How To Make a Page Link To a Child Page" an read An example on this site is the Documentation Page, which is really just a parent page for all the documentation. If there are lots of child pages you could enable the "Show Child Page Site Map" setting on the page so it just shows links of all its child pages as we have done on the Documentation page.

PERFECT exactly what I want to do... but it don't work for me!!!

Since Content is content NOT pages how do I use the Content Manager to make a Content page a CHILD of my test page?

My site is, I have created a Test page off the root menu... I can make a temp UID/PWD if that would help?


9/19/2011 1:32:48 PM
Total Posts 383
Thanks Squire Dude

Re: How to add "Content Pages" to a List Page?

Hi Joe A,

After some digging around and testing I was afraid that was the case that the Content has to first be added to a page so the page becomes the link as you have described so well below.  Damn! Boo hoo...

I tried this first as a Blog with each item being an entry BUT I could not control or stop the Archiving so not all articles are visible at the same time.  So I thought Content is a great tool and each article would become a Content item and I could make a Link list for them... bbbaaahhhh hummbug  :-(

I'll give it a try and see if I have read and understood your suggestion correctly.


9/19/2011 1:38:36 PM
Total Posts 18439

Re: How to add "Content Pages" to a List Page?

Hi Phil,

The article How to Make a Page Link to a Child Page is not what you want that just is for when you want the user to go to the child page when clicking the parent page in the menu.

You can set the parent page for any page from the Page Settings page, and you can move pages up and down within the same level from Administration > Add/Edit Pages

I recommend watch the video Creating Pages and Managing the Site Hierarchy.

But since you have already created the articles aka content instances you now just need to create empty pages in a hierarchy then go back into content manager and click the publish button for each article then you can publish it on the newly created page. It isn't difficult to get there from where you are.

Hope that helps,


9/19/2011 2:28:25 PM
Total Posts 383
Thanks Squire Dude

Re: How to add "Content Pages" to a List Page?

Hi Joe A,

I think I got it now... I had figured it out and it was exactly as you noted in your last paragraph... ta.

It looks like you used some sort of TreeView object on your Documents page.  I would like to have an indent on the Child type pages.  I have tried spaces etc but nothing seems to work!  How did you indent rows?

I'd be happy just to indent and not collapse as your site is!  I don't have as many levels as you do (only two in fact)... the parents (Basic or Advantage) then each has child pages or sub-titles. (


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