Link will not open inside existing frame

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9/1/2011 1:30:25 PM
Total Posts 9

Link will not open inside existing frame

I am trying to create a link that will open a web address (http://website) inside the largest frame of the MOJO page, however, it always pops up a new window.  I have tried various pieces of javascript and HTML with target= parameters, but cannot get it to open in the existing frame.

Can anyone give me some pointers on how to accomplish this?  The link will ideally exist on the left-hand side menu.  System is windows-based.  Thanks!

9/1/2011 2:54:50 PM
Total Posts 115
mojoPortal Community Expert

Re: Link will not open inside existing frame

Are you trying to open the link in the same window as your current page or are you wanting the link to open in the center content panel of the page? mojoPortal does not use frames and the content panels do operate like frames.

I am assuming that you have something like the HTML module in the left panel and want to use it to control the content of the center panel. I do no think this is possible without some custom development. The modules in mojoPortal are meant to act independent from one another.

9/6/2011 10:27:18 AM
Total Posts 9

Re: Link will not open inside existing frame

Does anyone else know how to do this?  The basic idea is that by clicking an item in the left menu, it will open an external website (e.g. http://mywebsite) in the right-hand pane.  Anyone?

9/6/2011 10:37:24 AM
Total Posts 2256

Re: Link will not open inside existing frame


You could do this way:

  1. Create a page, leave it's URL to whatever is generated automatically. If you call the page "Cool External Site" the page URL will be ~/cool-external-site.aspx, leave it that way.
  2. On the new page, add the IFrame module
  3. Within the settings of the IFrame module, set the URL to the external site you want to display.

You can see this working on the demo site (until it is refreshed),

I don't necessarily suggest you do this unless you own the external site and if you do, your users will have a better experience if you theme the external site to be similar to your mojoPortal site and then you can just provide a simple link.

Joe D.

9/6/2011 11:20:20 AM
Total Posts 9

Re: Link will not open inside existing frame

I guess that makes sense, but how do I add the IFrame module?  I have searched the options and am unable to find it.  You are correct in saying that the page URL will be named automatically.  From there I am stuck on what to do next...

9/6/2011 11:25:13 AM
Total Posts 2256

Re: Link will not open inside existing frame

You add the IFrame module like any other module. While on the page, click the "Edit This Page" link in the Admin Toolbar, select IFrame from the Feature dropdown and click create.

9/6/2011 11:33:33 AM
Total Posts 9

Re: Link will not open inside existing frame

Great!  I got it working.  Thanks very much for your help.

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