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Non-CMS pages have lost their titles (they are now all default, sitename - first page name). These pages are Login, MemberList, etc.
That's the same under several skins.
I suppose it to be the result of some recent changes as works properly.
Yes I must have choped something out of the mojoBasePage by mistake. I have it fixed here it will be in svn by end of day.
Thanks, it works now.
It seems to be broken again, but for some pages only. Title of the first CMS page is shown as page title for nearly all the pages under /admin folder.
I don't know how I missed those, I really thought I had already done that but it will be fixed in svn by end of day.
Now it works, thanks.
P.S. I just wonder, why don't you use Page.Title property instead of custom PageTitleControl?
I think I already had the PageTitle control before 2.0 .NET. Could change it but it isn't broken and there are more important things to do.
I improved this and included to the patch I sent you today.