The stored procedure 'mp_SiteHosts_SelectSiteIdByHost' doesn't exist.

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8/26/2011 1:43:45 PM
Total Posts 45
Thanks, cms_developer Contributer:

The stored procedure 'mp_SiteHosts_SelectSiteIdByHost' doesn't exist.

Getting this error from latest build after I updated the source code?

Any ideas why I am getting this?

8/26/2011 2:16:44 PM
Total Posts 550

Re: The stored procedure 'mp_SiteHosts_SelectSiteIdByHost' doesn't exist.


as a temporary solution change this setting in you user/web.config then visit the setup page and wait for Joe' solution.


Hope Helps


8/26/2011 2:26:26 PM
Total Posts 18428

Re: The stored procedure 'mp_SiteHosts_SelectSiteIdByHost' doesn't exist.

Whenever you update from the source code repository, after you rebuild the entire solution, when you run the web project you need to visit the /Setup/Default.aspx page just the same as if upgrading from a pre-compiled release.

The setup page will run any needed scripts for changes to the database.

Hope that helps,


8/26/2011 2:44:59 PM
Total Posts 550

Re: The stored procedure 'mp_SiteHosts_SelectSiteIdByHost' doesn't exist.

Hi Joe,

I trace it. It seems these SPs need in the BeginRequest method of CultureHelperHttpModule class that execute before setup process.



8/26/2011 2:47:04 PM
Total Posts 45
Thanks, cms_developer Contributer:

Re: The stored procedure 'mp_SiteHosts_SelectSiteIdByHost' doesn't exist.

Thanks Joe and Ashad for your input.

I just tried the Joe solution and it worked so didn't tried the other one.

Can you please guide me to this css layout issue too.

I am just getting this content in my website.Any ideas.I was expecting these links to align horizontally on top as explained in site and videos demo.Any think I am doing wroing or I need to do?I am build from the latest version of the source till date.Also Home is repeating twice.I just renamed the footer from admin login.

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8/26/2011 2:50:53 PM
Total Posts 45
Thanks, cms_developer Contributer:

Re: The stored procedure 'mp_SiteHosts_SelectSiteIdByHost' doesn't exist.

please ignore my query i got some information here will review it.

8/26/2011 3:04:20 PM
Total Posts 550

Re: The stored procedure 'mp_SiteHosts_SelectSiteIdByHost' doesn't exist.

Hi cms_developer,

Please don't post related topics in a post. Let us to have our forums as a knowledgebase for people that search in it in future.

Do you set UseCultureOverride to true before visiting the setup pages?. I think we have this problem if UseCultureOverride be true.



8/27/2011 6:54:16 AM
Total Posts 18428

Re: The stored procedure 'mp_SiteHosts_SelectSiteIdByHost' doesn't exist.

Hi Asad,

I have this fixed in my local copy. I will push the change to the repository as soon as I can but currently I'm getting an error trying to push my changes. I've contacted the codeplex team and am waiting to hear back from them. I'll post again once this fix is in the repository. In the meantime you can work around it by setting UserCultureOverride to false, run the setup page then change it back to true.



8/29/2011 11:14:36 AM
Total Posts 18428

Re: The stored procedure 'mp_SiteHosts_SelectSiteIdByHost' doesn't exist.

Hi Asad,

The codeplex team helped me with the problem I was having with the repository. The fix is now in the repository.



10/12/2011 10:15:45 AM
Total Posts 45
Thanks, cms_developer Contributer:

Re: The stored procedure 'mp_SiteHosts_SelectSiteIdByHost' doesn't exist.

I tried using version today and still see the issue wasn't it supposed to fix in this version.

10/12/2011 10:18:33 AM
Total Posts 18428

Re: The stored procedure 'mp_SiteHosts_SelectSiteIdByHost' doesn't exist.

Whenever there are changes to the database schema or new or changed stored procedures it is normal and expected that errors will happen until you visit the /Setup/Default.aspx page so that the upgrade scripts can run.

Hope that helps,


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