Hi Stefan,
The error indicates a null value for a boolean field. The upgrade scripts should have populated any new fields so it should not be null.
What I would suggest is to review the upgrade scripts from up to, they are located under /Setup/applications/mojoportal-core/SchemaUpgradeScripts/mysql
look for the fragments that would populate the new fields and run those fragments manually because it seems that somehow they did not run from the upgrade scripts as they should have.
Actually I just reviewed all the upgrade scripts from version to and the following update statements exist, I would run all of these manually just in case any other new fields were not populated:
UPDATE mp_Users
SET PasswordResetGuid = '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000';
UPDATE mp_Modules
SET IncludeInSearch = 1;
UPDATE mp_Modules
SET IsGlobal = 0;
UPDATE mp_Pages
SET IncludeInChildSiteMap = IncludeInSiteMap,
PubTeamId = '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000';
UPDATE mp_Modules SET HeadElement = 'h2';
UPDATE mp_Pages
SET ExpandOnSiteMap = 1;
UPDATE mp_Pages
SET PublishMode = 0;
UPDATE mp_Modules
SET PublishMode = 0;
I would think that should solve it.
Hope that helps,