How to set a pages URL to a conent page on another site?

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8/22/2011 2:28:43 PM
Total Posts 383
Thanks Squire Dude

Is it possible to show content from Site 1 on a page on Site2?


I have 2 MojoPortal Web-sites, site 1 has some content I want to show in site 2.

My question is "Can I show content on Site2 from Site1's content WITHOUT showing Site1's header etc.  Just the content?"

I tried putting the URL for the page on site 1 and I got the content but I also got the header etc.


8/23/2011 1:50:49 PM
Total Posts 2253

Re: How to set a pages URL to a conent page on another site?

Hi Phill,

This is not possible using any feature of mojoPortal directly. You can use jQuery Load to achieve the result you are after. I would set this up using the HTML Fragment Include feature.

Joe D.

8/23/2011 3:24:37 PM
Total Posts 383
Thanks Squire Dude

Re: How to set a pages URL to a conent page on another site?

Hi Joe,

I was afraid you were going to say that...  I'm terrible at J but I'll give it a try and let you know.


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