Is it possible to "script" content creation in mojoPortal?

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8/11/2011 4:55:49 PM
Total Posts 3

Is it possible to "script" content creation in mojoPortal?


I'm preparing some customizations of mojoPortal. I need to let a portal user create a number of pages with custom content, each using some features of mojoPortal and some data provided in external files.

I could take the code that manages the creation of pages with user interaction and use it to get an "automated version", but maybe there already are some tools to "import" content?



8/12/2011 11:08:54 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: Is it possible to "script" content creation in mojoPortal?

Hi Karol,

We don't currently have something like this, but we do plan to have something in the future for creating pages from templates, I'm just not sure how soon we will get to it.

The only thing we have close to it is we do have a way to define configuration files that are used to populate the site when creating a new site.



8/16/2011 4:01:06 PM
Total Posts 3

Re: Is it possible to "script" content creation in mojoPortal?

Hi Joe,

Thank you very much for the answer. I'll use the tools that you mention.



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