Help with Form Wizard Pro

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7/17/2011 9:55:47 PM
Total Posts 13

Help with Form Wizard Pro

Hi Joe,

I have installed Wizard Pro and its up and running great.  Two items I need some feedback on,

The captcha on all my forms (about 20 of them) expires in about 10 seconds, thats way too short.  By the time they fill out the form its always expired.

I see a setting in the web.config "RecaptchaTheme" , but that has no time elements. Dont see it on any settings page.   How can I fix this ?

and some feedback,  I needed the form to email the user comments back to them if they left their email.

So I followed the fourm instructions and coded a handler (the instuctions could be updated and alittle clearer)  I had a hell of a time because of a small item.  Using the site email settings, if the first to: address is invalid it wont email it to the cc or bc, It didnt say that anywhere until I combed through the site logs. It would be great to have  that as a built in question validated by client side reg. expression.  I would think thats a common usage. it turned out to be like 2 lines of code...

private string GetResponse(Guid responseSetGuid, Guid questionGuid, List responses)

                foreach (WebFormResponse response in responses)
                    if (
                        (response.ResponseSetGuid == responseSetGuid)
                        && (response.QuestionGuid == questionGuid)
                        if (response.Response.Contains("@") && response.Response.Contains("."))

                            emailTo = response.Response.ToString();  
                            //log.Info("In the @ - emailTo: " + emailTo);

                        return response.Response;

                return string.Empty;

One more question... Is there anyway it can only allow a reg. user to fill out the form once. Like the poll feature.  any way to code that in the handler ?


anyway... Thanks again for another great product. 



7/18/2011 6:56:25 AM
Total Posts 18428

Re: Help with Form Wizard Pro

Hi Bill,

Support for a specific Email question type and support for limiting authenticated users to one form are both items in my project tracker for future enhancements of Form Wizard Pro, so at some point those items are coming.

Which captcha are you using? Recaptcha is not supported in Form Wizard (I couldn't get it to work correctly there) even if it is set as the default captcha in Site Settings, so it should be falling back to Subkismet for the form wizard captcha.

I'm certainly not aware of any 10 second timeout for the captcha. If the app pool is recycling while the user is filling out the form that could invalidate the cache and the captcha. I would look in the Administration > System Log for any evidence that the application is recycling too frequently, it would be logged as application start and application end events. If you see those happening a lot it is most likely caused by hosting in a low memory environment where they forcefully recycle the app pool when a certain amount of memory is used, if the memory limit where it does that is too low it will cause frequent recycling and it will kill performance of your site in addition to causing problems like the captcha becoming invalid too often.

Hope that helps,


7/18/2011 6:59:53 AM
Total Posts 18428

Re: Help with Form Wizard Pro

Forgot to mention that you can currently define a regular expression to validate an email address using a regular textbox question, so while an Email question type would be a nice convenience, you could solve this problem today.



11/23/2011 6:59:43 AM
Total Posts 10

Re: Help with Form Wizard Pro

+1 on "support for limiting authenticated users to one form"

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