Event Calendar: Cannot change months

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7/15/2011 1:55:17 PM
Total Posts 2254

Event Calendar: Cannot change months

Hi Joe,

In the Event Calendar, clicking the previous month or next month links does nothing. In Chrome's Script Console, I see "Uncaught ReferenceError: GetViewState__AspNetTreeView is not defined."

I verified this on the demo site.

Joe D.

7/16/2011 5:57:01 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: Event Calendar: Cannot change months

Hi Joe,

Sorry for the inconvenience. You can fix this immediately by adding this on the ScriptLoader control in layout.master


This was caused by my efforts to reduce the amount of unnecessary javascript. I " thought" the TreeView only needed the javascript if it had the ShowExpandCollapse="true", so I backed it out by default and only added it if the TreeView was configured for ShowExpandCollapse and it seemed to work fine in most cases, but I didn't find this one.

It seems if the calendar does a postback with the treeview on the page it causes this error, so it only happens in skins that use a TreeView menu. In any case, I knew that such a change might have some side effect that I hadn't expected so I made sure there was an easy way to turn that script back on as indicated above.



7/16/2011 8:15:54 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: Event Calendar: Cannot change months

Update, I've patched the release with a better fix that doesn't require any changes in skins.

The only file that has changed in the packages since the initial release is the mojoPortal.Web.dll



7/18/2011 9:46:25 AM
Total Posts 2254

Re: Event Calendar: Cannot change months

Hi Joe,

I've tried both methods, the IncludeAspTreeView and replacing the mojoPortal.web.dll file. Neither has worked for me. This is a customer site that is not hosting with me. Their hosting is .NET 3.5 Medium Trust.

Joe D.

7/18/2011 10:11:33 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: Event Calendar: Cannot change months

Hey Joe,

It works for me locally under .NET 3.5 medium trust replacing the dll.

Can you post what the SiteMenu and PageMenu declaration from layout.master looks like?

Do you know if they have updated over time for important skin changes?



7/18/2011 10:43:11 AM
Total Posts 2254

Re: Event Calendar: Cannot change months

Hi Joe,

<portal:SiteMenu id="SiteMenu1" runat="server" UseTreeView="false"  HideMenuOnSiteMap="false" Direction="Horizontal" TopLevelOnly="true"></portal:SiteMenu>

<portal:PageMenu id="PageMenu1" runat="server" UseTreeView="false" Direction="Horizontal" DynamicDisplayLevels="0" />

<portal:PageMenu id="PageMenu2" runat="server" UseTreeView="true"  SiteMapDataSource="level3datasource" StartingNodeOffset="2" TreeViewShowExpandCollapse="true"  />

They only display the two page menus on their site (the skin is using css to hide the site menu). The original developer of this site really screwed things up and they have a entire section of pages under the root that aren't displayed on anything except the Site Map. The developers answer to this was to just hide  the site menu and create additional page menus. We are in the process of restructuring the site but it is going to take a while due to the severity of chaos. :-)

I just updated their site from to and I included all of the skin changes since then. I checked the items from before and they appear to be in the skins they use.


7/18/2011 11:19:43 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: Event Calendar: Cannot change months

Hey Joe,

Can you try adding this or just setting this property to true if this already exists in theme.skin with the SkinID="PageMenu"?


<portal:mojoTreeView runat="server" SkinID="PageMenu"
Note that since it is medium trust .NET 3.5 you would need to copy the theme.skin into App_Themes/Default and would need to do that again after any upgrades of mojoPortal since the file would be overwritten.
7/18/2011 11:49:42 AM
Total Posts 2254

Re: Event Calendar: Cannot change months

Hi Joe,

No Joy. I made sure to copy the theme.skin App_Themes\default directory, as I did on upgrade.

Which script file is supposed to be included? Maybe I can track that down and make sure it is loading.

The TreeView in the menu is working, sort-of. Apparently, they didn't want the the expand/collapse buttons so they just deleted the images. I just set TreeViewShowExpandCollapse to false but that didn't help the calendar issue.


7/18/2011 11:58:18 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: Event Calendar: Cannot change months

It would be in a combined script like ScriptResopurce.axd?...

If all else fails I guess you could manually add the needed scripts in layout.master like this:

<script src="/ClientScript/CSSFriendly/AdapterUtils.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script src="/ClientScript/CSSFriendly/TreeViewAdapter.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script>

If you aren't really using the expand and collapse + and - icons in the TreeView you could just set TreeViewShowExpandCollapse = false on the PageMenu and set ShowExpandCollapse="false" in theme.skin

Then it should not need the scripts.



7/18/2011 12:08:09 PM
Total Posts 18439

Re: Event Calendar: Cannot change months

ps I've seen cases where the theme cache gets very stubborn and doesn't seem to clear when you edit the theme.skin file, sometimes it takes recycling the app pool to make it see those theme.skin changes.



7/18/2011 2:10:12 PM
Total Posts 2254

Re: Event Calendar: Cannot change months

Hi Joe,

I went ahead and added the scripts to the layout.master and everything is working properly. We will be re-doing the skin for this site and we will probably find the culprit at that point.

Another issue the site has is that I can't change the Skin in the Site Settings. Each time I try, the page posts showing the change but when I refresh, the setting is back to what it started with. I do get a very very long error in the log that starts with "Request for ConfigurationPermission failed while attempting to access configuration section 'system.web/globalization'." I'm not sure if that error is normal under .NET 3.5. I just noticed this issue and I haven't looked into it very far. Can you make sure that changing the Skin in your .NET 3.5 Medium Trust environment works okay?


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