How do I set up an image gallery both with thumbnails and the possibility of a fullscreen slideshow?

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5/23/2012 10:36:03 PM
Total Posts 7

Re: How do I set up an image gallery both with thumbnails and the possibility of a fullscreen slideshow?

our url is

5/23/2012 10:44:23 PM
Total Posts 355

Re: How do I set up an image gallery both with thumbnails and the possibility of a fullscreen slideshow?

Oh, I see - my regards to Brian and Kathryn. Love the new look!

The "root" folder is the location in which the site resides under wwwroot in most instances, such as c:\inetpub\wwwroot\[your web site folder]\[this is where all the contents of the "web" folder goes].


6/1/2012 4:43:50 PM
Total Posts 7

Re: How do I set up an image gallery both with thumbnails and the possibility of a fullscreen slideshow?

Hi again, thanks so much for your help. I really appreciate it. Also, I got the gallery fully installed. Have you created any tutorials for adding images/organizing albums?

6/1/2012 4:52:38 PM
Total Posts 355

Re: How do I set up an image gallery both with thumbnails and the possibility of a fullscreen slideshow?

Actually, there will be a tutorial article published Monday (June 4) over at Arvixe:

If you need it before then, e-mail me at, and I'll send you an advance copy of the article.

6/7/2012 11:16:54 PM
Total Posts 1

Re: How do I set up an image gallery both with thumbnails and the possibility of a fullscreen slideshow?

When I first created it, I had someone who wanted to be a "smarty" tell me he could just traverse the site to find the un-watermarked image.

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