walk thru for go daddy

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  • What operating system were you running when the bug appeared?
  • What database platform is your site using?
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  • What steps are necessary to reproduce the issue? Compare expected results vs actual results.

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6/24/2011 5:38:06 PM
Total Posts 26

walk thru for go daddy

I was wondering if there would be any intrest in a walk thru for go daddy on installing from scratch? i could wip somthing up if there is suffent need i can include my webconfig and screen shots if your intrested joe

6/27/2011 7:52:23 AM
Total Posts 55
mojoPortal Community Expert
Arvixe Web Hosting / mojoPortal Community Liaison Looking for quality mojoPortal hosting? Try Arvixe Check out the MojoPortal Blogs at Arvixe

Re: walk thru for go daddy

Hi Nathan,

I used to use GoDaddy but swapped because I found it much more hassle than it should be to get a good working practise for MojoPortal.

I now have a setup where its trivial to swap between my local environment and hosted environment (just a couple of button presses) and I have better control of my remote database. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm pretty sure Go Daddy do not support Web Deploy, which in particular makes copying SQL databases between local & remote a breeze (its all done for you).

I used the hosting page on this (the MojoPortal) website and setup an account with Arvixe, and have been very pleased since then. I also find them way better value.

For reference, there's a series starting on creating a local / remote environment here.

Take it easy,



6/27/2011 8:09:39 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: walk thru for go daddy


I'm pretty sure GoDaddy just requires the typical manual installation, it is a Medium Trust environment but our packages for MS SQL are already pre-configured for Medium Trust.

As far as going back and forth between your local machine and the production installation, I would caution most people against doing that, once a production site has been deployed data should only go one direction by getting a copy of the data from production and using it to test locally. I would not go back and forth, the production database is the authoritative data, the local copy is for testing only.

Things like:

Users registering on your site

Users posting in your forums

Users purchasing products from WebStore

are all data that comes in the front door on production and you would lose that data if you then pushed the local database up to replace it.

Maybe for a brochure site where users can't register or interact with your site it would be ok, but if you edit content locally and push it to production then the production search index will not be updated unless you rebuild the search index again after each update of the database on production.



6/27/2011 1:23:53 PM
Total Posts 55
mojoPortal Community Expert
Arvixe Web Hosting / mojoPortal Community Liaison Looking for quality mojoPortal hosting? Try Arvixe Check out the MojoPortal Blogs at Arvixe

Re: walk thru for go daddy

Hi Joe,

I do agree with what you say. I wouldn't overwrite a live deployed database.

I do, however, find it important to be able to very easily copy my live site to my local pc for testing (particularly while I'm still learning MojoPortal).

My sites are currently mainly in the state 'deployed for testing'. If I see or am notified of a bug, I want to be able to get my deployed site (including data) copied on to my local environment (or test published environment) with minimum hassle to make debugging easier. Being able to select 'download published site', unselect a config file then press go works for me. I expect this to be more important if/when I get developing in visual studio.

I also like being able to move my published site really easily if I want to.  Again I use this for testing to take a snapshot of the live site, copy it to a test published environment so someone can test a particular part of the site.

I dare say it could also be done by backing up, downloading and restoring databases, but this way its all done in one go.

When I create a new site, I initially make it local. When its working & ready to be deployed, publishing is pretty much a one button press affair.

If I want to do a major update, I may want to do that locally then publish it, but would have to take the deployed site offline while doing that.


6/27/2011 3:57:47 PM
Total Posts 26

Re: walk thru for go daddy

well gogaddy is weird in the way everthing has to be conifgured and the sql stuff is not easyest in the world to configure ... by default they have it set to you main domain points to root i perfer it to point to folder and they do little in any way to support godaddy so i was just checking if there is any intrest in a tourtoril ... posting from my phone so please forgive my spelling

6/27/2011 3:59:54 PM
Total Posts 26

Re: walk thru for go daddy

and its not a typica medium troust there sql strings are a pain in the but if you dont know what your doing took me 3 days firt time to do godaddy for mojo but now 30 secs like i said there hosting config is a nightmair


6/27/2011 4:01:44 PM
Total Posts 26

Re: walk thru for go daddy

personaly i run dual databases one is testing that i use with visual studio and one is live and direct conect to the test that way i just backup and restore direct from godaddy

6/28/2011 12:31:03 PM
Total Posts 355

Re: walk thru for go daddy

Nathan - I'm not a big fan of GoDaddy, but if you'd like to do a write-up, the folks who are using GoDaddy would probably appreciate it. Every hosting environment has different strengths and weaknesses.

There are multiple ways of setting up a MojoPortal project for development, based on whether or not you're leveraging source code or the web install version.  I'll write up some steps for setting up a source code development/deployment scenario over on the Arvixe blog later today, but I'll break it down into a multi-part, with the hosting-agnostic in the first part. Thanks!

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