Moving TopNav into footer when using Artisteer30-verticalmenu3

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6/23/2011 9:51:07 AM
Total Posts 116

Moving TopNav into footer when using Artisteer30-verticalmenu3


I'm having a lot of trouble getting the links to display correctly in the footer.  In previous versions I've simply copied the text into the footer area such as:

<portal:SiteMapLink id="SiteMapLink2" runat="server" CssClass="sitelink" RenderAsListItem="true" />
<portal:UserProfileLink id="UserProfileLink" runat="server" RenderAsListItem="true" />
<portal:LogoutLink id="LogoutLink" runat="server" RenderAsListItem="true" />

I've tried doing the same in the new version but its picking up the styling so is being left aligned and different colours etc.  I can't quite work out where this is being picked up from as I changed where I thought it would be and refreshed to no avail...... basically I just want to use the current footer styling (as styled by sitemaplink - also not sure how that picks up the css rules from looking at the css and skin files as I don't appear to have a stylelayout.css that I've seen mentioned elsewhere.

As a temp solution so that it displayed correctly to the client I used:

<a class="sitemaplink" href="/Secure/Login.aspx">Sign In</a>
<a href="/SearchResults.aspx" class="sitemaplink">Search</a>
<portal:SiteMapLink ID="SiteMapLink1" runat="server" CssClass="sitemaplink" />
<portal:CopyrightLabel ID="cl1" runat="server" ShowYear="true" BeginYear="2008" />
<portal:UserProfileLink ID="UserProfileLink" runat="server" RenderAsListItem="true" />
<portal:LogoutLink ID="LogoutLink" runat="server" RenderAsListItem="true" />
<br />
<br />

which serves it's purpose and does work but I'd rather use the correct <portal:.... > links - can someone point me in the right direction please.

*I should add that I couldn't see why the topnav and topnavwrapper styles were being applied when the lines had been moved out of there and into the footer where I thought they would play nicely and centralise and follow the right styles......?

Thanks in advance,



6/23/2011 1:34:01 PM
Total Posts 18439

Re: Moving TopNav into footer when using Artisteer30-verticalmenu3

Hi Andrew,

Unless you have those links inside a ul element you should set RenderAsListItem to false because that would be wrapping the links in li elements and outside a list that would make a mess of things. If you set that to false they should just render as links and then they will probably behave as you expect.

Hope that helps,


6/24/2011 2:41:32 AM
Total Posts 116

Re: Moving TopNav into footer when using Artisteer30-verticalmenu3

Hi Joe,

Thanks for that, 90% of the way there now so I just need to change the css so that sitelink matches the sitemaplink settings.

I tried using (i.e. adding class="sitemaplink" to the statement):

<portal:SearchInput ID="SearchInput1" LinkOnly="True" RenderAsListItem="false" runat="server" class="sitemaplink"/>

but the sitelink css is still applied instead - how is the sitelink css applied to the link here is it set elsewhere in the code?



6/24/2011 10:07:10 AM
Total Posts 2254

Re: Moving TopNav into footer when using Artisteer30-verticalmenu3

Hi Andrew,

Instead of using the sitemaplink class on any of the elements, try wrapping all of them in a single span or div with a special class, then style the links using the class as a parent selector.

<div class="footerlinks">
<portal:LoginLink id="LoginLink" runat="server" RenderAsListItem="false" />
<portal:SearchInput ID="SearchInput1" LinkOnly="True" RenderAsListItem="false" runat="server" />
<portal:SiteMapLink ID="SiteMapLink1" runat="server" RenderAsListItem="false" />
<portal:CopyrightLabel ID="cl1" runat="server" ShowYear="true" BeginYear="2008" />
<portal:UserProfileLink ID="UserProfileLink" runat="server" RenderAsListItem="false" />
<portal:LogoutLink ID="LogoutLink" runat="server" RenderAsListItem="false" />

/* CSS */
div.footerlinks a,
div.footerlinks a:visited,
div.footerlinks a:active,
div.footerlinks a:hover{color: #fff; font-size: 0.75em; }

Joe D.

6/27/2011 2:16:10 AM
Total Posts 116

Re: Moving TopNav into footer when using Artisteer30-verticalmenu3

Thanks Joe that's great, will have a play around with it smiley



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