404 Document Not Found

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6/23/2011 6:36:51 AM
Total Posts 13

404 Document Not Found

In my web site's Visitor Logs, under HTTP Status codes, 404 Document Not Found, there are numerous entries that I will list below. The top two in the list, the Referrer is listed as google.com.

What are these all about? Should I take steps to modify my web site to eliminate this happening?

/addtomymsn.armx 15 http://www.google.com
/add 4 http://www.google.com
/ClientScript/oomph/ 3 -
/) 2 -
/ClientScript/oomph/+hCalendarCollection.length+ 2 -
/Sys.WebForms.PageLoadedEventArgs 2 -
/googlehostedservice.html 2 -
/Sys.WebForms.InitializeRequestEventArgs 2 -
/div.mojo-tabs 2 -
/ClientScript/jqmojo/blur.cluetip 2 -
/ClientScript/oomph/+hCardCollection.length+ 2 -
/ClientScript/oomph/.vcard 2 -
/ClientScript/jqmojo/click.cluetip 2 -
/ClientScript/oomph/).text(currentHCalendar+ 2 -
/ 1 -
/Data/xsl/{/rss/channel/link}/ 1 -
/ClientScript/oomph/).text(),postalcode=hCard.find( 1 -
/ClientScript/oomph/),currentPinHTML=currentPinHTML.replace( 1 -
/ClientScript/oomph/).text(),givenname=hCard.find( 1 -
/Microsoft.XMLHTTP 1 -
/feeds.aspx 1 -
/,b=a.indexOf( 1 -
/ClientScript/oomph/).text(),title=hCard.find( 1 -
/ClientScript/oomph/).text(),n=hCard.find( 1 -
/ClientScript/oomph/).text() 1 -
/Sys.NotImplementedException 1 -
/Sys.ArgumentUndefinedException 1 -
/shield.sitelock.com/sitelock.js 1 -
/ClientScript/jqmojo/mousemove.cluetip 1 -
/Data/xsl/{link}/ 1 -
/Sys.WebForms.PageRequestManagerServerErrorException 1 -
/ClientScript/oomph/).text(),familyname=hCard.find( 1 -
/ClientScript/oomph/).text(),role=hCard.find( 1 -

6/23/2011 1:52:34 PM
Total Posts 18439

Re: 404 Document Not Found

I've never seen anything like that in my logs.

If it is really coming from google I would make sure your robots.txt file has the /ClientScript/ folder forbidden to crawl, the default robots.txt file shipped with mojoPortal has this.

But it seems unlikely to really come from google unless you really find it in search results for your site in google.

There are lots of crawlers and bots out there trolling the web and poking at your site in spite of the robots.txt and they can say the referrer is whatever they want, so you can't really rely on that being true just because its in the log.

Hope that helps,


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