DropDownList & IE9

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6/22/2011 4:28:00 AM
Total Posts 126
YAF developer

DropDownList & IE9

The font size in all dropdowns is huge. In FF4 it looks normal.

6/22/2011 8:41:58 AM
Total Posts 2254

Re: DropDownList & IE9


This is more than likely a skinning issue, not a bug in mojoPortal code. Do you have a custom skin or are using one of the packaged skins?

If you are using a custom skin, you will need to adjust your CSS to change the font-size for select elements. Something like this should do the trick for you:

select {font-size: 12px;}


6/23/2011 1:46:20 PM
Total Posts 18439

Re: DropDownList & IE9

Hi Bob,

I agree with Joe D, I have not seen the problem you describe, it seems like it must be a skin/CSS issue. Could also be affected if you have the browser zoomed in.

If you're seeing this with an included skin on the demo site let me know and I would investigate further.



6/24/2011 3:11:31 AM
Total Posts 126
YAF developer

Re: DropDownList & IE9

Hi,  Joe & Joe.

I'll check it again. In theory it can be a problem with some cusomization.

I see that dropdown adds a strange 'style' attribute in IE9 when it's rendered in <select.

I'll investigate into the problem a bit later. It can be my fault.


P.S. Is it possible to add to users a flag column like 'IsDirty' which will be set to true when a user saves his MP profile? It should be possible to set it to false from a module. It will allow to sync data in integrated applications if they have a profile too. It'll allow a fair sync.


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