problem center aligning ul nav using artisteer template

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6/6/2011 1:17:10 PM
Total Posts 9

problem center aligning ul nav using artisteer template



I'm new to mojoportal and have been asked to create a website using mojo and I'm having problems center aligning the navigation. No matter what myself or my collegue try in the css the ul nav always seems to float left. I am using a template created in artisteer.


Any pointer will be greatly received as my boss is going to kill me if this isn't sorted soon.



6/6/2011 3:56:56 PM
Total Posts 1203
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Re: problem center aligning ul nav using artisteer template

Which navigation are you talking about? A horizontal main menu (class="art-menu"), or the navigation at the very top with links for sign in, search, etc (class="topnav")?

6/7/2011 1:51:11 AM
Total Posts 9

Re: problem center aligning ul nav using artisteer template

It's the horizontal  main menu I am trying to style. In the Layout-master the nav appears within "art-nav" div as below.


div class="art-nav"
      div class="art-nav-l"/div
      div class="art-nav-r"/div
                    portal:SiteMenu ID="SiteMenu1" runat="server" UseTreeView="false"
                        HideMenuOnSiteMap="false" Direction="Horizontal" /portal:SiteMenu



6/7/2011 6:28:44 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: problem center aligning ul nav using artisteer template

to be of any help on Artisteer questions, I would need to know

1. What version of Artisteer?

2. What version of mojoPortal?

3. Did you follow the instructions in our article on converting an Artisteer template to a mojoPortal skin

4. Which mojoPortal skin did you use as a starting point?

5. Is the menu center aligned in Artisteer or are you trying to change the design after exporting?



6/7/2011 6:51:43 AM
Total Posts 9

Re: problem center aligning ul nav using artisteer template

Hi Joe,

1. I am using Artisteer version standard version.

2. MSSQL  version of  mojoPortal.

3. Yes have gone through the tutorial but still am unable to center align the nav. 

4. Using  artisteer-30headermenu mojoPortal skin.

5. The menu looks fine when viewed in Artisteer and as a standard html site.



6/7/2011 6:53:41 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: problem center aligning ul nav using artisteer template

If you zip up your skin and the .artx file and send it to me at joe dot audette at g mail dotcom, I'll take a look.



6/7/2011 8:57:29 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: problem center aligning ul nav using artisteer template

You did not include the .artx file in the zip you sent so I cannot see what it looks like in Artisteer. But I can see the exported index.html file and it does not have a center aligned menu, so I don't think it is center aligned in the Artisteer design. It is left aligned in the design from what I can see. If the design in Artisteer was center aligned I could probably fix it in the skin (or it may not even need fixing), but at this point I conclude it is not center aligned in the Artisteer file. If you send the .artx I will check again.



6/8/2011 1:40:47 PM
Total Posts 2254

Re: problem center aligning ul nav using artisteer template


Check out the menu CSS used on the i7MEDIA website. It and the text is centered. It is a bit tricky but definitely possible. The classes are different on the i7 site than what you have because we don't use Artisteer but, the CSS for positioning should be relevant.

I followed the advice on this article by Harry Roberts to achieve the center alignment.

Joe D.

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