Shared Files with sharing matrix

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5/2/2011 3:37:47 PM
Total Posts 5

Shared Files with sharing matrix


I should add in a portal of mine a shared files section where the shared files are not shared to all portal's user but each file is shared to a well defined set of users.
A sort of sharing matrix that says: file1 is shared to user1 and user3, file2 is shared to user1 and user6, and so on.

Is there a way to do that with mojoportal's Shared Files Module?

Can someone explain me how can I do that?


5/3/2011 6:53:22 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: Shared Files with sharing matrix

Sorry but no, the Shared Files feature does not have permissions at the file level, it only has permissions at the level of the instance of Shared Files, users with edit permissions can upload and users with view permissions can only download. You can use multiple instances of Shared Files feature with different role configurations but if you really need file level permissions you would have to implement a custom solution.



5/30/2011 8:38:55 AM
Total Posts 5

Re: Shared Files with sharing matrix

Thank you very much for your reply.
After told to my customer, my requirements are a bit simpler than what I explained.

I have and administrator and a set of users. The administrator can share files with a user and a user can share files with the administrator. The administrator can see all documents from all users while a user cannot see the documents shared by the other user.

Can you suggest me a way to do that?

Thanks in advance,



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