Gallery images display issue

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5/2/2011 12:28:20 PM
Total Posts 63

Gallery images display issue

If I use Sliverlight to display photos in Photo Gallery, then everything is fine. If I display photo thumbnails, then upon click, the image does not display correctly. The photo does not stay on top of the page, and the height is not correct. To see what I am talking about, please visit one of my customers' page, then click on a thumbnail under Fellowship:


Thanks for your help,

5/2/2011 12:53:28 PM
Total Posts 2254

Re: Gallery images display issue


See the notes for in the Important Skin Changes thread.

We are now using ColorBox instead of Greybox for the image gallery slideshows.

Joe D.

5/2/2011 1:22:16 PM
Total Posts 63

Re: Gallery images display issue

Thanks Joe. That fixed part of the problem. As you see in the photo gallery page, I have two Photo Gallery instances. The top one is using SilverLight to slide show the photos automatically, and the bottom one is using ColorBox. Now the Colorbox is showing the pictures, but the pictures are behind the  SilverLight slide show. Is it a z-index issue?


5/3/2011 7:08:01 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: Gallery images display issue

I have a feeling it just isn't going to work well having both the silverlight slide show and a regular gallery with colorbox effects on the same page. There is a setting (look in settings) to Make The Silverlight Slide show windowless that "might" help but I'm not sure that will solve it.



5/3/2011 8:27:40 AM
Total Posts 63

Re: Gallery images display issue

Thank you Joe. This is what I end up doing.

1. Make the silverlight slide show Windowless as you suggested.

2. Make the color box's opacity = 1 to hide the background when the color box is displaying images because the silverlight slide show never stops even when the color box is showing the images.

This workaround seems to work for me.


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