[NovellSV] Correct Web.config problems

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4/23/2011 3:09:18 AM
Total Posts 1

[NovellSV] Correct Web.config problems

I'm new with mojoPortal, I'm trying to deploy it under OpenSuse 11.4 with MySQL. As I could find suggestions on this site I've downloaded sources from Mercurial repository, built them and tried to deploy. But when I've started to run it I got a Web.config error. The first error was that the attribute <system.web.extensions> was not recognized. I've guessed that I need to specify the assembly with the same name. I've corrected some other ones but every time I got new such errors. Sometimes it's rather difficult to guess what particular assembly or its type they mean, so such way to correct errors doesn't suit. And I've not succeeded to find in readme files or on this site some information about additional Web.config options. So, I'd like to ask how can I get the base Web.config (or may be also Machine.config) file content that has been used for development of the Linux subversion.

4/23/2011 6:12:20 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: [NovellSV] Correct Web.config problems


Your mileage may vary on Mono, but I can tell you what I do when I test on Mono.

1. Replace the contents of Web.config with the contents from Web.net35.config

2. Set this to false in Web.config <add key="EnableOpenIDAuthentication" value="true"/>

3. from the command window cd into mojoPortal.Features.UI folder and do sudo chmod +x mdpostbuild.sh

4. Rebuild the mojoportal.mono.sln solution in MonoDevelop

Note that the solution is pre-configured to use SQLite. If you want to use pgsql, you need to edit references on mojoPortal.Business, drop the project reference to mojoPortal.Data.SQlite and add a project reference for mojoPortal.Data.pgsql. Same thing with mojoPortal.Features.Business, you drop the reference for mojoPortal.Features.Data.Sqlite and add the reference for mojoPortal.Features.Data.pgsql

Hope it helps,


4/23/2011 6:27:16 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: [NovellSV] Correct Web.config problems

I just updated this document, as it was way outdated. Working with The Source Code in MonoDevelop.

Hope it helps,


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